what is another name for the nucleon number
what is the name give to the number of protons in a nucleus
what particles are emitted in beta minus decay
how does the mass number of the nucleus change after beta minus decay
what is the approximate diameter of an atom an the approximate diameter of the nucleus of an atom
what experiment established the existence of the nucleus
what do alpha particles consist of
what fundamental force tries to push the nucleons of a nucleus apart and what force holds them together
which of the two forces has a longer range
is a neutron a fundamental particle, if not why not
name three fundamental particles
the LHC or large hadron collider in CERN, is the world's most powerful particle accelerator. What is a Hadron. Give some examples.
define the binding energy of a nucleus
what is the binding energy per nucleon
sketch the graph of the binding energy per nucleon against the nucleon number