Conjugate Haben ich du er/sie/es wir ihr sie/Sie
the definition of haben is to have.
Present perfect verbs that use "sein" are associated with movement and a change of state?
Conjugate Sein ich du er/sie/es wir ihr sie/Sie
All regular present perfect verbs end begin with and end in
In the case of present perfect when does the regular verb take the ending "et"
when the stem of the verb ends in -t -d or -gn
when it sounds phonetically correct
when the verb has a separable prefix
when your dragon can't understand you
Conjugate and insert the proper form in the sentence for: Deutsch lernen Du hast
In the following statement would insert the correct term. Im Sommer ❌ Tom nach Deutschland gereist.
kosten: Das Buch hat nicht veil ❌.
Verbs that end in "ieren" only take the "t" at the end. Therefore the "ge" is dropped.
In present perfect which of the following is the correct for of "studieren"
Das Perfekt for "gratulieren" without movement and with a feminine noun. ❌ ❌
Verbs with the prefix "be" "ver" or "er" only take the "t" at the end?
be-, ver-, er- : These prefixes are NOT seperable?
The correct conjugated form of besuchen in das Perfekt is "besucht"
The correct conjugated form of besuchen in das Perfekt is "gebesucht"
Which of the following verbs would take "Sein" Remember that Sein indicates a change of state and movement,
The word "sein" means:
to be
to have want to been
to need to be
to never be