Created by Rachael Jones
about 9 years ago
(dependent variables) define: nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio.
Define within-subjects and between-subjects designs.
3 measures of central tendency
Define standard deviation and variance?
(And why?)
Normal Distribution
What is a Gaussian equation?
Define a positive-skew, negative-skew (and un-skewed)
What are Z-scores? (and how are they calculated?)
How to determine sampling error.
Standard Error of the Mean (SEM) - also called the 'confidence interval'
standard deviation vs SEM
An easy example to explain degrees of freedom?
Define 'co-variance'
Explain Spearman's rs
Partial Correlations?
Correlation terminology:
-Partialled out?
-Zero order correlation
-first-order corr
-second-order corr
What is 'power'?
What does the Bonferroni correction do?
What to do if there are low assumptions for data in a chi-square test?
What is a 'binomial test '?
What does an ANOVA do?
For an ANOVA what is 'F'?
A repeated measures ANOVA?
What is regression analysis?
regression analysis versus correlations?
Define Non-Parametric tests
What do resampling techniques do?
Between-subject randomisation tests (aka permutation tests)
Within-subjects randomisation test
Bootstrap resamples
A one-sample test (resampling stats)
Jack knife method (resampling stats)
Monte-carlo method (resampling stats)
Perentile bootstrap confidence interval
Describe error-bar plots
Describe a Kruskal-Wallis test
Describe Wilcoxen signed-rank test
Describe a Friedman's ANOVA
What does a significant test statistic tell you?
Define Platykurtic and Leptokurtic distributions
Type 1 error definition and relation between power & alpha
In SPSS what is the correct way to record non-numerical values?
What does a Chi-Square test do?
Describe a Chi-square good-ness of fit test
Describe a Pearson's Chi-square test
Describe an independent samples t-test
Describe a related-sample t-test
Describe a One-way ANOVA:
Describe a factorial ANOVA
What are post-hoc tests?
What is a residual?
Describe heteroscedasticity and homoscedasticity
What does a test of homoscedasticity of error terms determine?
what does an assumption of homogeneity and heterogeneity of variance mean?
Describe Levene's test:
Describe the assumption of sphericity
What is standardisation?
How much variance is explained by a correlation? (e.g. 0.9)
Why mustn't the expected values of a chi-square fall below 5(ish)?
Supposedly how should you compensate for heterogeneity of variance in an independent samples t-test?
in a factorial design with 2 factors, if the effect of one factor appears to depend on the levels of the second factor this is called:
an experiment was conducted in which participants were given lists to learn in either quiet or noisy environments. Later, recall was either in the same or a different context of learning. What design is this experiment?
In linear regression the variable that is being predicted (y) is called:
How to calculate the Total Error/Sum of Squares
How to calculate the expected frequency off of a contingency table:
*for example frequency of men that prefer sport (both genders and several favourite tv shows)
*Mean Square
*B/b (not Beta)
What is the non-parametric equivalent of the Bonferroni post-hoc tests?