Jakobus Pretoriu
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago


Jakobus Pretoriu
Created by Jakobus Pretoriu over 8 years ago

Rolled Instruments 1

Question 1 of 42


Total Air Temperature (TAT) is:

Select one of the following:

  • Higher or equal to the Static Air Temperature (SAT); TAT is a function of altitude and SAT.

  • Lower than Static Air Temperature (SAT); TAT is a function of altitude and SAT

  • Lower than Static Air Temperature (SAT); TAT is a function of Mach number and SAT

  • Higher or equal to Static Air Temperature (SAT); TAT is a function of Mach number and SAT


Question 2 of 42


The air speed indicator is a differential manometer measuring the difference between:

Select one of the following:

  • The static pressure and the dynamic pressure

  • The total pressure and the static pressure

  • The total pressure and the dynamic pressure

  • The dynamic pressure and the static pressure


Question 3 of 42


Indication of Mach number is obtained from:

Select one of the following:

  • An ordinary airspeed indicator scaled for Mach numbers instead of knots

  • A kind of echo sound comparing velocity of sound with indicated airspeed

  • Indicated speed and altitude using a speed indicator with an altimeter type aneroid

  • Indicated speed (IAS) compared with true airspeed (TAS) from the air data computer


Question 4 of 42


The alternate static source of a non-pressurised aircraft is located in the flight deck; when used, the static pressure sensed is likely to be

Select one of the following:

  • Higher than ambient pressure due to aerodynamic suction

  • Higher than ambient pressure if QNH is greater than 1013 hpa

  • Lower than ambient pressure if QNH is greater than 1013 hpa

  • Lower than ambient pressure due to aerodynamic suction


Question 5 of 42


EAS is equal to:

Select one of the following:

  • TAS corrected for compressibility and density errors

  • CAS corrected for compressibility error

  • TAS corrected for compressibility error

  • CAS corrected for density error


Question 6 of 42


The parameter that determines the relationship between EAS and TAS is:

Select one of the following:

  • Mach number

  • Pressure altitude

  • Density altitude

  • OAT


Question 7 of 42


If the static ports are completely clogged up by ice during a climb, the vertical speed indicator shows:

Select one of the following:

  • An increasing rate of climb f the ambient static pressure decreases

  • Zero

  • A descent if the outside static pressure is less than the pressure in the instrument's gauge

  • A constant rate of climb, even if the aircraft is levelling out


Question 8 of 42


If the pitot tube becomes blocked during a descent, the airspeed indicator

Select one of the following:

  • Under-reads or over-reads, depending on the air density

  • Over-reads

  • Indicates a constant speed

  • Under-reads


Question 9 of 42


The open-ended tube parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft senses the:

Select one of the following:

  • Dynamic pressure

  • Total pressure plus static pressure

  • Total pressure

  • Static pressure


Question 10 of 42


The response time of the vertical speed detector may be decreased by adding a:

Select one of the following:

  • Return spring

  • Second calibrated port

  • Bimetallic strip

  • Correction based on an acceleration sensor.


Question 11 of 42


Which of the following statements about hard and soft iron in relation to magnetism is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • Both hard and soft iron are of non-permanent nature.

  • Hard iron magnetism is of a permanent nature, and soft iron is of a non-permanent nature

  • Hard iron is of a non-permanent nature, and soft iron is of a permanent nature

  • Both hard and soft iron are of a permanent nature


Question 12 of 42


When turning onto a northerly heading the rose of a magnetic compass tends to "undershoot", when turning onto a southerly heading it tends to "overshoot":

1) these compass indications are less reliable in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere.
2) there commas oscillations following a lateral gust are not identical if the aircraft is heading north or south
3) this behaviour is due to the mechanical construction of the compass
4) this behaviour is a symptom of a badly sun compass

Select one of the following:

  • 2 and 3

  • 1 and 3

  • 1, 2, and 4

  • 2, 3, and 4


Question 13 of 42


The purpose of compass swinging is to determine the deviation of a magnetic compass:

Select one of the following:

  • At any latitude

  • On any heading

  • On a given heading

  • At a given latitude


Question 14 of 42


A pilot wishes to turn right on to a southerly heading with 20 bank at latitude 20N. Using a direct reading magnetic compass, in order to achieve this he must stop the turn on an approximate heading of:

Select one of the following:

  • 200

  • 160

  • 170

  • 180


Question 15 of 42


Among the systematic errors of the directional gyro, the error due to the earth rotation make the north reference turn in the horizontal plane. At a mean latitude of 45N, this reference turns by:

Select one of the following:

  • 7.5/hour to the left

  • 10.5/hour to the right

  • 7.5/hour to the right

  • 15/hour to the right


Question 16 of 42


Concerning the directional gyro, the apparent drift rate due to the Earth's rotation is a function of

Select one of the following:

  • Longitude

  • Magnetic longitude

  • Latitude and longitude

  • Latitude


Question 17 of 42


After the initial 90 degrees of a turn at constant pitch and bank, a classic artificial horizon indicates:

Select one of the following:

  • Too much nose-up and too much bank

  • Pitch and bank correct

  • Too much nose-up and bank correct

  • Too much nose-up and too little bank


Question 18 of 42


The flux valve of a gyromagnetic compass:

1. Feeds the error detector
2. Feeds the direct indicating compass
3. Gives the earth's magnetic field direction

The combination regrouping all of the correct statements is:

Select one of the following:

  • 1, 2

  • 3

  • 2, 3

  • 1, 3


Question 19 of 42


The accelerometers of a strap-down IRS are in line with:

Select one of the following:

  • The geographical directions

  • The aircraft axes

  • The local meridian and parallel

  • The local vertical and the local meridian


Question 20 of 42


In an INS, ground speed is calculated:

Select one of the following:

  • By integrating gyro precession in N/S and E/W directions respectively

  • By integrating measured acceleration

  • From TAS and W/V from ADC

  • From TAS and W/V from RNAV data


Question 21 of 42


Considering a stabilised platform inertial system, the principle of operation requires the use of at least

Select one of the following:

  • 3 rate gyros and 2 accelerometers.

  • 3 rate gyros and 4 accelerometers.

  • 2 rate gyros and 3 accelerometers.

  • 2 rate gyros and 2 accelerometers.


Question 22 of 42


The sensors of an INS measure

Select one of the following:

  • The horizontal component of the earth's rotation

  • Velocity

  • Acceleration

  • Precession


Question 23 of 42


The Notification (LOG ON) is a FANS application which consists in:

Select one of the following:

  • Requesting to transfer datalink communication to the next ATC centre on the route

  • Sending automatically aircraft surveillance data to the ATS facility

  • Establishing air/ground connection to verify if the datalink communication can be performed

  • Transmitting datalink messages between the pilot and ATC controller


Question 24 of 42


The ADS-C is a FANS application performed:

Select one of the following:

  • Semi automatically, the pilot has to define a set of data to downlink but cannot define the type of report contract

  • Manually, the pilot has to define the set of data to downlink and the type of report contract

  • Semi automatically, the pilot cannot define the set of data to downlink but can define the type of report contract

  • Automatically, without any crew action to define the set of data to downlink or the type of report contract


Question 25 of 42


The FMS enables to fly an optimum flight profile. For this, the FMC uses:

1. Flight crew entered flight plan data
2. Data from the ADC
3. Aircraft position
4. A memorised relief world data base
5. Data from the FMC navigation

The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is:

Select one of the following:

  • 1, 2, 5

  • 1, 2, 3, 5

  • 1, 3, 5

  • 2, 3, 4


Question 26 of 42


Concerning the FMS, entering a cost index of zero results in:

Select one of the following:

  • Minimum airspeed.

  • Minimum range airspeed

  • Maximum cruising airspeed

  • Maximum range airspeed


Question 27 of 42


In LEGS mode the FMS displays the following: (Select those that apply):

i) True Track
ii) Variation
iii) Elevation of Waypoints
iv) TAS
v) Distance to Waypoints

Select one of the following:

  • ii, iv, v

  • i, ii, iii, iv, v

  • i, v

  • i, ii, iv


Question 28 of 42


The FMS vertical navigation management is generally performed based on:

Select one of the following:

  • The baro altitude input from the ADC

  • The GPS altitude computed by the GPS receiver

  • A mix of bars and GPS altitudes

  • The geometric altitude input from the TAWS


Question 29 of 42


The radio altimeter is required to indicate zero heigh AGL as the main wheels touch down on the runway. For this reason, it is necessary to:

Select one of the following:

  • Adjust the gross height according to the aeroplane instantaneous pitch

  • Compensate for residual cable height and cable length

  • Have a specific radio altimeter dedicated to automatic landing

  • Change the display scale in short final, in order to have a precise readout


Question 30 of 42


The radio altimeter supplies data to the following system(s):

1. Altitude alert system
4. Automatic landing system

The combination that regroups all the correct statements is:

Select one of the following:

  • 3

  • 3, 4

  • 1, 4

  • 2, 3, 4


Question 31 of 42


An EFIS includes the following components:

Select one of the following:

  • FMS, symbol generator, display unit(s)

  • ADC, inertial navigation computer, display unit(s)

  • Display unit(s) only

  • Symbol generator, display unit(s), control panel


Question 32 of 42


The purpose of the Navigation Display (ND) is to display the following information:

Select one of the following:

  • Terrain map, navaid bearings, flight director active modes

  • Flight plan, weather radar, terrain map, TCAS symbols

  • Flight plan, engine failure, naiads, resolution advisory (RA)

  • Intruding traffics, TCAS symbols, weather radar


Question 33 of 42


The characteristics of the SATCOM transmissions, used for data link communications are

Select one of the following:

  • Line of sight limitation, no variable quality of signals distorted by ionospheric conditions

  • No line of sight limitation, no variable quality of signals distorted by ionospheric conditions

  • Line of sight limitation, variable quality of signals distorted by ionospheric conditions

  • No line of sight limitation, variable quality of signals distorted by ionospheric conditions


Question 34 of 42


According to AMC 25-11 concerning the electronic display systems, the colour associated with a warning-type alert is:

Select one of the following:

  • Magenta

  • Yellow

  • Red

  • Amber


Question 35 of 42


On a modern aircraft, the flight director modes are displayed on the:

Select one of the following:

  • Control panel of the flight director only

  • Upper strip of the ND

  • Upper strip of the PFD

  • Upper strip of the ECAM


Question 36 of 42


The Navigation Display (ND) of an EFIS equipped aircraft can display the following data:

Select one of the following:

  • Flight plan, weather radar, terrain map, intruding traffics

  • Flight plan, engine failure, navaids, resolution advisories

  • Intruding traffics, altitude, autopilot active modes, weather radar

  • Terrain map, navaid bearings, flight director active modes


Question 37 of 42


In a radio altimeter, the height measurement is based upon:

Select one of the following:

  • A pulse transmission, for which time between transmission and reception is measured on a circular scanning screen.

  • A wave transmission, for which the frequency shift by doppler effect after ground reflection is measured.

  • A frequency modulated wave, for which the frequency difference between the transmitted wave and the received wave after ground reflection is measured

  • A triangular amplitude modulation wave, for which modulation phase shift between transmitted and received waves after ground reflection is measured


Question 38 of 42


The radio altimeter:

1. Operates in the 1600-1660 kHz range
2. Operates in the 4200-4400 Mhz range
3. Measures a frequency difference
4. Measures an amplitude difference

The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is:

Select one of the following:

  • 1, 3

  • 2, 3

  • 1, 4

  • 2, 4


Question 39 of 42


When climbing at a constant CAS above the tropopause in ISA:

Select one of the following:

  • TAS and Mach will increase

  • TAS will increase, and Mach No will remain constant

  • TAS and Mach No will remain constant

  • TAS will increase, and Mach No will decrease


Question 40 of 42


Increasing the altimeter sub-scale setting by 1hPa will:

Select one of the following:

  • decrease the altimeter reading by about 30 feet at all altitudes

  • Decrease the altimeter reading by an amount between 30 and 100 feet, depending on the aircraft altitude

  • Increase the altimeter reading by about 30 feet at all altitudes

  • Increase the altimeter reading by an amount between 30 and 100 feet, depending on the aircraft altitude


Question 41 of 42


In an INS, the E/W accelerations are converted into an E/W speed (kts) at the first stage of integration and into E/W distance (nm) at the second stage of integration. This gives:

Select one of the following:

  • departure, which is multiplied by the Cosine of the present latitude to obtain d long (min) which is used to automatically update the present longitude

  • d long (min) which is used to automatically update the present longitude

  • departure, which is multiplied by the Sine of the present latitude to obtain d long (min) which is used to automatically update the present longitude

  • departure, which is multiplied by Secant of the present latitude to obtain d long (min) which is used to automatically update the present longitude.


Question 42 of 42


By definition an Earth gyro is a

Select one of the following:

  • Gyro having 2 degrees of freedom

  • Gyro having 2 degrees of freedom, but controlled by some external force

  • Tied gyro controlled by gravity

  • Gyro having one plane of freedom at right angles to the plane of Earth rotation
