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Royston Hall
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Brief overview of cognitive models implicated in neuropsychology

Royston Hall
Created by Royston Hall about 9 years ago
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Cognitive ModelsExecutiveFunctionAttentionMemorySupervisory Attentional SystemArousalSelective AttentionInhibitionFrontal Lobes but wider networks implicated.NO known overall neuralconstruct of attention - notassociated with functionalneuroanatomical substrateSensoriMotor Network (SMN) only identified area atpresent. All others based on lesion data:SustainedAttentionVisual and auditorylAttentionShiftingAttentionEach construct ofattention is defined byits operation but notrelated to any specificneural substrateNeuroimagiing has shown common netwrok of activityacross all tasks - Neuropsychological tests withmulti-component structure (e.g. EF) are unlikely toidentify unique patterns of brain activity that correlateperfectly with specific 'domains'. (Poor construct validity)Measures testing thesame construct do notcorrelate highly with eachother.AttentionCognitiveModelsThree Component Model; Alerting,Orientating Executive ControlFan & Posner,2004Difficult to measureas a constructDynamic view of brainorganisation (Novelty vs Heuristicprocessing)General ModelsStatic view of brain organisation (e.g.hemispheric; left = language, right = visualperception and seven network model)Cortical Systems aremultifunctional - don'tsupport only onespecific cognitiveprocess.EF CognitiveModelsSwitching/ Inhibition/ UpdatingModelMiyake et al,2000Executive System Hypothesis (Hierarchy/ centralexecutive)Baddeley,1990Regulation(Behaviour/Emotion)Prefrontal cortex - especially for sustained attentionSwitchingImpulse controlUpdatingSwitchingCattell- Horn- Carroll (CHC)modelCarroll, 1993Goal Directed BehaviourNorman & Shallice, 1986CognitiveflexibilityPlanningOrganisingProblem SolvingCreative thinkingEstablish NEW behaviourIntrospectionFour major classes of cognitive functions;Receptive, memory, thinking, expression.General Intelligence(g)Terman, 1916No longer seen as 'oneintelligence' - implication ofother independent factors(e.g. processing speed andattention).Wasserman &Wasserman, 2013Combination of domain scores risks losing information- unreliable indices of injury severity or deteriation.H.M.caseDeclarative / ExplicitNondeclarative / ImplicitSemanticEpisodicItem-specific (e.g. priming)ProceduralMemoryCognitiveModelsThree stage model of declarative memoryMcCaugh, 1966RegistrationShort TermLong TermRecallRecognitionPhineasGageIndependent system vs integratedwith "information processing"Two-factor attention (Reflex andvoluntary)James, 1890Top down andBottom upVigilenceWorkingMemoryWorkingMemoryWorkingMemoryParietal Lobe indicated in disengaging attentionShort term memory indicated in inferiorparietal lobeInattention resulting from right posterior hemisphere lesionsNormal learning and retention disrupted in temporal lesionsHippocampal complexDeficits better understoodby observing behaviour?Functional assessments.Multicomponent ModelBaddeley & Hitch, 1974State-based modelsCowan, 1995; McElree, 2006Visual andAuditoryActs as the link between attentionand short term memory in thepursuit of specific goalsDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node