What was used to ease pain before the 1800s and discovery of anaesthetics?
What anaesthetic was first used in in 1844 in dentistry?
What anaesthetic was used from 1846?
What anaesthetic was dicovered by James Simpson in 1847?
What anaesthetic was first used in 1884 before a less addictive version was made in 1905?
What were the disadvantages of using alcohol and opium for pain relief?
What were the advantages of using alcohol and opium for pain relief?
What were the disadvantages of using laughing gas as an anaesthetic?
What were the advantages of using laughing gas as an anaesthetic?
What were the disadvantages of using ether as an anaesthetic?
What were the advantages of using ether as an anaesthetic?
What were the disadvantages of using chloroform as an anaesthetc
What were the advantages of using chloroform as an anaesthetc
What were the disadvantages of using cocaine as an anaesthetic?
What were the advantages of using cocaine as an anaesthetic?
What were the advantages of using novocaine as an anaesthetic?
Why was there opposition to anaesthetics?
What did James Simpson do?
What happened in surgery before anaesthetics?
Impact of anaesthetics on surgery.