Created by alison_patey0437
over 11 years ago
How many countries are in the RICS?
Where is the RICS international HQ?
What is the motto of the RICS?
What is the RICS?
What is the role of the RICS?
What is the Agenda for change 1998?
Key Changes of Agenda for Change 1998?
What was the Brooke Review 2003
What changes did the Brooke review introduce?
How many professional groups (faculties) are in the RICS?
Name five RICS Professional Groups
What are the duties of each professional group?
What is the governing structure of the RICS?
What is the UK structure of the RICS
Where are the world regional offices of the RICS?
What are the types of qualified members?
How many ethical standards are there?
How o you become FRICS?
When were the rules of conduct introduced?
How has the rules of conduct changed and why?
How many rules of conduct are for members and how many for firms?
What are the rules of conduct for members?
What are the rules for firms?
Which firms are regulated by the RICS?
Which firms are regulated by the RICS?
What sort of information do registered firms have to send to the RICS annually?
Name some of the topics on which the RICS publishes help sheets documents
Name some of the topics which the RICS publishes policy documents?
In the case of a breach of a rule of conduct what is the procedure?
What does the RICS stand for?
Who is the current president of the RICS
Who is the president elect of the RICS?
Who is the Chief Executive of the RICS?
Who is the Senior vice president of the RICS?
Who is the Vice President of the RICS?
Who is the honorary Secretary of the RICS?
Who is the honorary treasurer of the RICS?
Who is the chair of the QS and construction faculty in the RICS?
Who is the local RICS MATRICS Chairperson
What is the royal charter?