Created by sophietevans
almost 11 years ago
What is the function of the dive response in aquatic mammals?
Given that oxygen consumption rises if terrestrial animals are placed in cold water, what is the function of the dive response in them?
In this lab, how did we stimulate the dive response in the subject? Which nerve receptors were stimulated?
What is the relationship between the water temperature and bradycardia in the dive response? How is this achieved?
What is the difference between the physiological effects of the dive response and holding one's breath?
When investigating the change in heart rate between the dive response and holding one's breath, what equipment was used?
By occluding the venous return in the thigh, what aspect of the dive response was being replicated?
What equipment was required to assess change in blood volume in peripheral occlusion?
What does an increased amplitude in the dive response suggest?
Why might tachycardia have occurred instead of bradycardia in the dive response?
Why does the heart rate increase during breath holding?
Why did the change in leg volume decrease in the dive response and increase during breath holding, when compared with vessel occlusion under resting conditions?
Is the dive response a pathological presentation?
What can the dive response be used for clinically?