Created by Morgan Morgan
about 11 years ago
Two parts of the nervous system?
Somatic nervous system function?
Autonomic nervous system functions?
Autonomic nervous system operates through?
Examples of afferent inputs
These receptors are found in the ?
Outputs of the ANS? ......... nerve fibres are autonomic nerve fibres.
Two divisions of the ANS?
Sympathetic nerve fibres leave the spinal cord at .......and........segmental levels. This is the.............................division of the ANS.
Parasympathetic nerve fibres leave the spinal cord at........and..........segmental levels.
Both divisions of the ans supply the.....organs.
Both divisions also have a .... .................output pathway.
.............ganglion is a collection of nerve cell bodies in ANS, where synapses between the two neurones occur.
Pre-ganglionic nerve fibre - ......
Post-ganglionic nerve fibre - .........
Pre-ganglionic nerve fibre - ......
Post-ganglionic nerve fibre - .........
Both divisions use .............at the synapses in the ganglion
At the target organ, the parasympathetic division uses ....................
At the target organ, the sympathetic division uses...........
In most cases, both divisions operate............
Sympathetic ns .........heart rate.
Parasympathetic ns............heart rate.
Adrenal medulla is the .....portion of the ......gland.
Sympathetic ns is generally energy..............
Parasympathetic ns is generally energy...........
Parasympathetic ns.........at rest
The sympathetic ns becomes...... when energy expenditure is required.
Neurotransmitters can have ............actions on..............tissues.
2 different noradrenaline receptors?
2 types of acetylcholine receptors?
Nicotinic receptors are found in ?
Muscarinic receptors
Different drugs can block or activate different receptors.
...............is a b blocker.
......................is a muscarinic blocker.
Fight or flight response results in.............sympathetic output, coordinated by the...............