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This Mind Map on ExamTime contains a comprehensive overview of US American History from 1919-1941

Created by sagar.joban almost 12 years ago
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The USA, 1919-41The Economic Boom of the 1920sAmerican Society in the 1920sThe Wall Street Crashand the DepressionThe First New DealThe Second New DealSuccesses and Failures of the New DealAmericanindustry andfarming hadgrown steadilyThe country hadhuge resourcesof coal, oil,timber and ironIt had agrowingpopulation withhard-workingimmigrantsRailways, mining andmanufacturing industrieswere all strongAmericans believed in theRepublican views of ruggedindividualism and laissez-faireUS businesses mademoney from WW1through loans, armsand equipment - madethe USA rich, confidentand isolationist - notdragged into EU wars.Republicans in charge:President Harding (1921-3) -believed in normalcy. KeyPolicies: Isolationism, Tariffsand Low TaxesMass-productionmade profits riseenormously.Particularly forconsumer goodsand motor industry- hire purchase and'buying on themargin'.Weaknesses in theUS EconomySome major industries likecoal and textiles didn'tbenefit from the 'Boom'Countries reacted to UStaxes on imports with theirown, reducing demandFarmersproduced toomuch food due toreliance in WW1,making priceslow. Incomes fellfrom $22 b. in1919 to $13 b. in1928.Many ordinaryAmericans didn'tprosper as wealthwas concentratedwith very few -African Americanssuffered more dueto discriminationand worse jobsWatching films became a national obsession- millions went every week.First 'talkie' out in 1927 -'The Jazz Singer' starring AlJonson. People went to seefamous stars like CharlieChaplin and RudolphValentineHollywood became the centre of worldentertainment - there were jazz crazes and peopledanced the charleston.After WW1,women got thevote. By 1929, 10million had jobs -free to earn awage. Led the'flappers' (woreknee-length skirts,smoked + drank)Intolerance - RedScare (due to Rsn.Rvl in 1917) andKKK. Worst casewas Sacco andVanzetti Case. 1921Immigration Act -1929 - ↓ 850 to 150th.Strong anti-alcoholtemperance groupsmade Gov. pass 18thAmendment (VolsteadAct) to ban sale andmanufacture of alcohol.Massive failure - ledto bootleggers,moonshine,speakeasies, bribedagents and gangsterslike Al Capone rising.Al Capone ranChicago andcaused the St.Valentine's DayMassacre in1929 when 6members of arival gang werekilled.Long-TermCausesOverproductionof consumergoods +agriculture,inequality,foreigncompetition andforeign tariffs.Short-TermCausesSharespeculation,companiesforced to payshareholdersprofits andAmericansbuying oncredit.September 1929 - share prices started todecrease. Suddenly, everyone realised andstarted to sell shares. Worst day was 'BlackTuesday' on 29 Oct.Many became bankrupt,homeless (Hoovervilles), lostsavings similarly to farmers.11,000 banks stopped trading from 1929 to 1933.Hoover - said 'prosperity wasaround the corner'. Set up theReconstruction Finance Corporationand tried to help US exports butfailed.Worst was theBonus Army marchin 1932. They weredue a bonus by1945 for the warbut wanted it early.Hoover dispersedthem with troops.Roosevelt won byapproximately 7million votes toHoover, throughhis 'New Deal'In office in March 1933 - many banksclosed, industrial production down 56%from 1929's9 March -> 16 June 1933 -Hundred Days LegislationEmergencyBanking ActSecuritiesExchangeActFederal EmergencyRelief Act (FERA)Tennessee ValleyAuthority (TVA)Civilian ConservationCorps (CCC)Public Works Administration (PWA)Agricultural AdjustmentAct (AAA)National IndustrialRecovery Act (NIRA)Paid for public works projects (schools,roads) and used the unemployedMen aged 18-25 given 6 months work but had to sentmost of pay home. By 1933, 300,000; by 1940, 2 millionAdvised farmers on marketing and farming techniques -helped overproduction. Became more organised butwealthy farmers gained most.Huge public works projects: dams, irrigation,canals - hydro-electiric power created lots of jobs,farmers given loans and training in soilconvservation and new housing builtGov. regulatedstock marketto preventanother 1929crashSet up the NRA (Administration) to set standards onworking practices (hours). Created more jobs - usedthe eagle symbol for approval. Over 2 millionemployers were members.Gov. declared abank holiday toshut banks.Opened 8 dayslater + backed5,000 banks.Restoredconfidence.$500 million allocated to help the poor (clothing,food, shelter). Seed and equipment for farmers,schemes to create jobs.Tried to make society fairer for allIn 1935, the WPAreplaced the PWA -extended range of workgiven. From buildingwork to Federal TheatreProject for unemployedartists and writers.In 1935, the Wagner Act forcedemployers to recognise tradeunions (workers kept protectionfrom NRA)In 1935, the SocialSecurity Act providedfederal aid for elderlyand unemploymentinsurance but not asgood as UKBusiness Leaders unhappy with regulations, trade unions and the huge costStates lost individual powers due tomeasures like the TVA and wereworried of Gov's controlRepublicans thought Giov. was too powerful and ruining theirpolicies. Cons. Democrats opposed him. Radicals like Huey Longand Father Coughlin wanted to go further.Supreme Court (mainly old and Republican) deemed some acts unconstitutional. 1937 -FDR wanted to pack the Supreme Court but failed. After that, they back off.SuccessesFailuresThe Depression didn't lead to extremism, millions ofjobs were created and vital relief supplied, farmingand industry benefited from the efficientinfrastructure.When FDR cut back in1937, unemployment ↑!Only reducedunemployment, USAtrade didn't recover,blacks didn't gain muchand failed to packSupreme CourtDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node