How many short cuts do the people in video identify to influence somebody's decision-making ?
Using reciprocity to convince others means that people will owe you a behaviour, gift or service that they have recieved first. Like an invitation to a party that obliges you to invite back.
What is the principle of scarcity concerned with ?
People want to give back what you gave them.
People want more of those things there are less of.
People will help you if you ask them a small favour first.
People will say yes to you if somebody recommended you to them.
What is the name of the principle that states that if you are closer to someone, you will be more likely to say yes to them ?
The principle of authority states that :
Someone who offers you a favour has more chances to receive that favour back.
If something is rare, people will want it.
People will look at the others' actions to determine their own.
People will follow someone who is recommended by others or recognized by the community.
If you ask a big favour to someone before anything else, it is consistency.
The principle of consensus states that :
If you observe people doing something, you will be tempted to do the same.
If someone with the same tastes as you recommends something to you, you will listen to him.
If someone is told that you are right, he will be tempted to follow you.
If a ressources is said to be rare, people will want it.
What does "available" mean ? For exemple in "all the available information" ?
It means all the information you can have access to.
It means all the verified information you can have access to.
It means all the bad information you can have access to.
It means all the information there is in the world.