Lady Macbeth manipulated Macbeth to kill the King.
What do the witches tell Macbeth?
That he will be King.
That he will be the best soldier ever.
That he will be immortal if he drink the Green possion.
Lady Macbeth kill herself.
What charasteristics make Macbeth the typical greek anti-hero.
He is strong, the best soldier but he is way to ambitious.
He is evil and macabre.
He is had a pure and good heart.
Banquo kill Macbeth.
Does the King trust in Macbeth.
Yes, he belive a lot in Macbeth.
No, he suspected of Macbeth.
The witches are good and want to help Macbeth to do rigth hes work,
Macbeth manipuladet hes wife to help him.
What is most important theme of Macbeth?
Macbeth son did not agree with his decition.