Created by Florence Edwards
almost 9 years ago
Define law
Define legislation
Define statute
Define offence
Define defendant
Define claimant/ complainant/ plaintiff
What is meant by the 'burden of proof'?
Who is responsible for animal welfare at markets?
Why is there little incentive for farmers to stop transporting sick animals?
What is a prescriptive law?
What is a prohibitive law?
What is a cost/benefit law?
Give an example of an exception to The Laying Hens EU Directive
Give an example of an exception to The Animal Welfare Act 1966 (USA)
Give an example of an exception to The Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
Which legislation protects working dogs on farms?
Give 5 guidelines for the transport of animals with hernias
How is the offence tested for the Wild Mammals Protection Act?
What are the 3 legal tests for The Protection of Animals Act 1911?
Can prolapsed cows be transported?
Can cows with a uterus swollen due to accumulation of amniotic fluid be transported?
What are 2 prohibitions in The Welfare of Animals Transport Order?
Give an example of where the law can change very rapidly
Are guidance documents and Codes of Practice legally enforced?
What are the recommended DEFRA stocking densities for broiler chickens?
What is the stocking density required for broiler chickens to be free range marketed?
Which animals are included by the Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations?
Why can effectiveness of legislation be limited?
What is meant by power of seizure?
What is meant by prohibition of ownership?
What is meant by prohibition of care?
Give 5 possible penalties for breaching animal welfare law
Why can monetary fines be disadvantageous in promoting animal welfare?
Who can slaughter an animal according to the Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) Regulations
Give 4 reasons why animal welfare legislation may be poorly enforced