A compound sentence is made up of...
... a subject and a verb.
... two complete sentences joined together.
...a complete sentence and a dependent clause.
A simple sentence is made up of...
.... a complete sentence and a dependent clause.
A complex sentence is made up of...
... a complete sentence and a dependent clause.
Which of the following are compound sentences? (Select all that apply.)
I would like to take a biology class.
Although we were late, we took our time getting ready.
We need frosting for the cake, and we need bows for the presents.
Pretzels are awesome, but I like popcorn better.
It may not seem like it, but things will look up eventually.
Read the following sentence:
People definitely enjoyed the concert.
This sentence is a sentence.
Please read the following sentence:
On the other hand, going to the museum might be fun.
This is a sentence.
Roses are red, and violets are blue.
True or False?
Complex sentences always contain a comma.
Which compound sentence is correctly punctuated?
People are confusing; you can't tell what they'll do next.
The magician wasn't very good at slight of hand; nevertheless, he put on a good show.
We went to Disneyland in July, and we went to Knottsberry Farm in August.
All are punctuated correctly.
Which of the following complex sentences is NOT punctuated correctly?
After we finish dinner, we cleaned up all the dishes.
She plans to visit her grandmother once she gets out of school.
The teacher who was from San Francisco didn't enjoy the cold weather.