Ben Armstrong
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Learning to be happy MCQ, created by Ben Armstrong on 04/04/2016.

Ben Armstrong
Created by Ben Armstrong over 8 years ago

Learning to be happy MCQ

Question 1 of 80


What does the ABC 3-term contingency represent in relation to POSITIVE psychology?

Select one of the following:

  • Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequence

  • Adversity, Belief, Consequent mood

  • Aversive, Behaviour, Conditioning

  • Addicition, Belief, Consequence


Question 2 of 80


What does the ABC 3-term contingency represent in relation to BEHAVIOURAL psychology?

Select one of the following:

  • Adversity, Belief, Consequent mood

  • Antecedent, Belief, Consequence

  • Antecedent, Bahaviour, Consequence

  • Adversity, Behaviour, Consequent mood


Question 3 of 80


People who consume more chocolate tend to be happier than those who do not. This correlation is

Select one of the following:

  • Positve

  • Negative

  • Zero

  • We do not have enough information


Question 4 of 80


What does CBT stand for?

Select one of the following:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

  • Cognitive Behaviour Treatment

  • Classical Behavioural Therapy

  • Conditioning Behaviour Therapies


Question 5 of 80


Which answer does NOT promote savouring?

Select one of the following:

  • Sharing experiences

  • Memory building

  • Self-congratulating

  • Sharpening perceptions

  • Absorption

  • Mindfulness


Question 6 of 80


I get to watch my new favourite series (Daredevil) after i do an hour in the gym. This is an example of the Premack Principle.

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False

  • Do not have enough information


Question 7 of 80


I love Burger King and save it for special occasions like after completing an assignment. The Burger King is contingent upon completing an assignment.

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False

  • We do not have enough information


Question 8 of 80


"That's such good news that you got that grade, let's have dinner out tonight!" This is an example of

Select one of the following:

  • Passive-Constructive

  • Passive-Destructive

  • Active-Destructive

  • Active constructive


Question 9 of 80


"Well done for that paintball score, what do you want to do tomorrow?" Is an example of

Select one of the following:

  • Passive-Constructive

  • Passive-Destructive

  • Active-Destructive

  • Active_Constructive


Question 10 of 80


Self-control is...

Select one of the following:

  • The opposite of impulsiveness and demonstrated by adult humans in the lab

  • Is when individuals seek the immediate reinforcement of something. Displayed in animals in the lab

  • Seeking reinforcement in a stressful situation

  • Who knows?


Question 11 of 80


Bob wants to know if watching Marvel movies makes you less aggressive than watching DC movies. He starts off by recording the number of aggressive instances occurring after watching a DC movie only this is an instance of

Select one of the following:

  • Baseline

  • Intervention

  • Marvel and DC what are they?

  • Control


Question 12 of 80


Phil has decided to give himself tokens after each time he goes to the gym. The tokens can be traded for many backup reinforcers, such as going to watch the latest Marvel movie in the cinemas (worth 50 tokens), going to the local comic book store and getting a comic (worth 25 points) and watching an episode of Jessica Jones (worth 10 tokens). The tokens are

Select one of the following:

  • Generalised conditioned reinforcers

  • Positive Reinforcers

  • Mediators

  • Negative Punishers


Question 13 of 80


If you want to extinguish an unwanted behaviour, you should:

Select one of the following:

  • Remove motivating operations

  • Reinforce an alternative behaviour

  • Punish the unwanted behaviour

  • Increase response effort


Question 14 of 80


When trying to increase a new behaviour, you should reinforce yourself:

Select one of the following:

  • Contingently

  • Continuously

  • Immediately

  • All of the answers


Question 15 of 80


Ezra Briger drinks Brawndo on Thursday morning following a night out with his fellow rebels. The Brawndo prevents a headache. Brawndo is a/an

Select one of the following:

  • Negative reinforcer

  • Negative punisher

  • Positive reinforcer

  • Positive punisher


Question 16 of 80


A target behaviour that is occuring too little that you would like to increase is called a

Select one of the following:

  • Behaviour deficit

  • Behaviour excess

  • Self-management

  • Undesirable behaviour


Question 17 of 80


The presence of an establishing operation makes the consequence of a behaviour _________ and the presence of an abolishing operation makes the consequence of the behaviour_____________

Select one of the following:

  • More reinforcing, Less reinforcing

  • Less reinforcing, More reinforcing

  • Punishing, Reinforcing

  • Less likely, More likely


Question 18 of 80


Hera wants to increase the amount of exercise she gets. She buys a treadmill so that she will not have to travel to the gym. Having the treadmill so that she exercises more often is an example of

Select one of the following:

  • Increasing response effort

  • Decreasing response effort

  • Less cost effective

  • Positive reinforcement


Question 19 of 80


Which of the following is not manipulated in antecedent control procedures?

Select one of the following:

  • Reinforcers

  • Response effort

  • Punishers

  • Immediacy


Question 20 of 80


If a road safety advert does not change the number of road traffic incidents the advert would be considered a/an ______ stimulus

Select one of the following:

  • Neutral

  • Negative

  • Positive

  • Aversive


Question 21 of 80


Condoms are a/an __________________ for safe-sex and having them therefore may be a/an___________________ for sex.

Select one of the following:

  • Discriminative stimulus, Establishing Operation

  • Positive reinforcer, Aboloshing Operation

  • Negative Reinforcer, Establishing Operation

  • Establishing operation, Aboloshing Operation


Question 22 of 80


What antecedent manipulations could one make to decrease behaviour?

Select one of the following:

  • Remove the discriminitve stimulus

  • Increase response effort

  • Add aboloshing operations

  • All of the answers


Question 23 of 80


Which procedures will NOT increase self-efficacy?

Select one of the following:

  • Focus on the process of change

  • Distinguish past and present

  • Keep track of improvements

  • Don't let emotions get in the way

  • Start with the hardest


Question 24 of 80


Which is NOT one of the 3 elements of happiness?

Select one of the following:

  • Frequent positive emotion

  • Satisfied with own life

  • Infrequent negative emotions

  • Frequent self-efficacy beliefs


Question 25 of 80


Money is an unconditioned reinforcer

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False


Question 26 of 80


What was the initial unconditioned response in Pavlov's dog study?

Select one of the following:

  • Salivating

  • Bell

  • Food

  • Barking


Question 27 of 80


What was the initial neutral stimulus in Pavlov's study, that later became a conditioned stimulus?

Select one of the following:

  • Bell

  • Food

  • Salivating

  • Eating


Question 28 of 80


Which statement regarding self-efficacy is most correct?

Select one of the following:

  • Those that believe they can do something are more likely to be able to

  • Those that believe they can do things tend to be less determined

  • Individuals will likely become less motivated

  • The discriminitive stimulus is a stimulus that is present during a reinforced behaviour


Question 29 of 80


From a behavioural perspective, our personality is

Select one of the following:

  • Due to past experiences

  • A set of learned behaviours in a situation

  • A set of behaviours developed from social interaction

  • Conditioned behaviours


Question 30 of 80


You pretend you have a lot of work to do so you don't have to go to the gym with your best friend. Going to the gym is a stimulus that is __________ by pretending you have work to do. This is an example of _______________ reinforcement.

Select one of the following:

  • Removed, Negative

  • Added, Positive

  • Controlled, Positive

  • Impulsive, Negative


Question 31 of 80


Sabine does parkour to keep healthy. In March she injured herself doing a front flip over a wall. Due to the injury she now goes to the gym instead of parkour. The injury

Select one of the following:

  • Punished Parkour

  • Reinforced Parkour

  • Increased response effort

  • Really sucked and she is quite annoyed


Question 32 of 80


Your recent ex PM'd you ninety times, called you four times in one week, and posted seven photos of the two of you on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and Tumblr. You keep ignoring your ex. Your ex's behaviour is an example of:

Select one of the following:

  • Them being completely obsessional with you and your dog and is probably the reason why you broke up because they're clingy AF, and no one want's a clingy relationship where you can't even go to the toilet without them being there.

  • An extinction burst

  • Positive punishment

  • Discriminitive stimulus


Question 33 of 80


Zeb is a very untidy flatmate. His flatmates get angry at him when he doesn't tidy up. They have tried yelling at him but it doesn't work. The flatmates yelling is

Select one of the following:

  • A neutral stimuli

  • Negative punishment

  • Positive punishment

  • Negative reinforcement


Question 34 of 80


Differential reinforcement is the ____________ of one behaviour and the ___________ of another behaviour in a situation.

Select one of the following:

  • Punishment, Motivating operation

  • Reinforcement, Extinction

  • Shaping, Chaining

  • Discriminitive stimulus, Aboloshing operation


Question 35 of 80


Colossus praised Deadpool for not killing individuals and ignored him when he did. What procedure is this?

Select one of the following:

  • Shaping

  • Differential reinforcement

  • Chaining

  • Punishment


Question 36 of 80


At first, Luke Skywalker lifted small objects using the force. Master Yoda only praised Luke when the size of the object increased. Using the same approach Yoda was able to get Luke to lift up considerable weights. Yoda used?

Select one of the following:

  • Shaping

  • Chaining

  • Differential reinforcement

  • Reinforcement


Question 37 of 80


It took Luke a long time to learn how to pilot an X-wing. First he had to press a button, second he had to flip a switch. Third he had to pull the lever. This is an example of

Select one of the following:

  • A stimulus-response chain

  • Shaping

  • Differential reinforcement

  • Reinforcement


Question 38 of 80


A behavioural contract states the __________ that will be administered contingent on the occurrence of the behaviour.

Select one of the following:

  • Consequence

  • Punishment

  • Reinforcement

  • Response


Question 39 of 80


What is the first thing that should be done before implementing shaping?

Select one of the following:

  • Define the target behaviour

  • Determine whether shaping is the most appropriate procedure

  • Identify the starting bahaviour

  • Choose the shaping steps


Question 40 of 80


What does DRI stand for?

Select one of the following:

  • Differential reinforcement of the incompatible behaviour

  • Differential reinforcement of other behaviour

  • Differential reinforcement of the incomplete behaviour

  • Differential reinforcement of low rate behaviour


Question 41 of 80


What does ACT stand for?

Select one of the following:

  • Adrenocorticotropic

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Avoidance and Commitment Therapy

  • Attempt and Commitment Therapy


Question 42 of 80


What is ACT?

Select one of the following:

  • A form of clinical behavioural analysis used in psychotherpy

  • A form of therapy which asks you to look back at the past

  • Any attempt made to avoid feelings, thoughts, memories and physical sensations that are uncomfortable for us e.g. anxiety

  • Arrangements of the external enviroment


Question 43 of 80


Psychological wellbeing is not the absence of sadness it is also

Select one of the following:

  • Meaning and purpose

  • Mindfulness

  • Values

  • Life balance and flexibility

  • Needs for belonging

  • All of the answers


Question 44 of 80


What is Experiental Avoidance (EA)?

Select one of the following:

  • Any attempt made to avoid feelings, thoughts, memories and physical sensations that are uncomfortable to us e.g. anxiety

  • A form of clinical behavioural analysis used in psychotherapy

  • The idea that humans are complex beings, capable of verbal language

  • Stops us from taking behavioural action


Question 45 of 80


What is the theory behind ACT?

Select one of the following:

  • Humans are complex beings who are capable of verbal language. Language is not only our greatest power it is also our greatest weakness

  • There is a physical switch in our brains known as the struggle switch

  • The ANS reacts as if we have a t-rex chasing us

  • Positive psychology can fill the context vacuum


Question 46 of 80


ACT interventions help us develop an awareness of a higher sense of self known as ____________

Select one of the following:

  • Self-as-context

  • Others-as-context

  • Self-as-content

  • Higher-sense-self


Question 47 of 80


What is Thorndike's law of effect?

Select one of the following:

  • Reinforced behaviours will occur again

  • Use a behaviour that occurs often to reinforce a behaviour that does not

  • Each step acts as a SD for the next step

  • Consequence happens because of a particular behaviour


Question 48 of 80


Which method would NOT increase a behaviour?

Select one of the following:

  • Provide SD

  • Enhance EO

  • Increase response effort

  • Decrease response effort


Question 49 of 80


Which of the following is NOT a facet of psychological flexibility?

Select one of the following:

  • Cognitive defusion

  • Committed actions

  • Self-as-context

  • Acceptance

  • Values

  • Attachment to Conceptualised self


Question 50 of 80


We can remember the goal of therapy by using ACT, the acronym, in this way:

Select one of the following:

  • A: accept your thoughts and feelings
    C: choose a valued direction
    T: take action

  • A: avoid your thoughts and feelings
    C: choose a direction
    T: take action

  • A: attend your thoughts and feelings
    C: choose a valued direction
    T: take action

  • A: acquire new thoughts and feelings
    C: choose a valued direction
    T: take action


Question 51 of 80


Humans use language in two domains:

Select one of the following:

  • Personal, Public

  • Private, Public

  • Pedantic, Publicly

  • Personalised, Public


Question 52 of 80


In which wave of behavioural psychology would Skinner be considered?

Select one of the following:

  • 1st - Basic laboratory studies

  • 2nd - Using what they've learnt to make lives better

  • 3rd - The use of developed therapies e.g. CBT, ACT


Question 53 of 80


Happiness is not a simple concept, it is more than just pleasure such as alcohol and sex. Aristotle proposed that happiness is constructed of _________ and ____________ . Seligman proposed that ___________ related to feelings of commitment and participation in life.

Select one of the following:

  • Hedonia (pleasure), Eudaimania (a life well lived), Engagement

  • Subjective wellbeing, Flourishing, Homeostasis

  • Homeostasis, subjective wellbeing, flourishing

  • Hedonia, Engangement, Eudaimania


Question 54 of 80


What is the function of the default mode network?

Select one of the following:

  • Learning and motivation

  • Maintain homeostasis

  • Cause depression

  • Tell the pituitary gland to release chemicals


Question 55 of 80


Most neurons only emit one kind of neurotransmitter

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False


Question 56 of 80


What is operant conditioning?

Select one of the following:

  • Works with the consequences of behaviour

  • When a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimuli to produce a conditioned response

  • When a neutral stimulus is combined with an unconditioned stimulus multiple times

  • The idea that our reading behaviour is under stimulus control of the letters


Question 57 of 80


What is NOT part of habit reversal procedures?

Select one of the following:

  • Awareness training

  • Mindfulness

  • Competing response training

  • Social support

  • Motivating procedures


Question 58 of 80


Which is NOT a neurotransmitter?

Select one of the following:

  • Endocannabinoids - the 'bliss' molecule

  • Dopamine - the 'reward' molecule

  • Endorphin - the 'pain-killing' molecule

  • Serotonin - the 'confidence' molecule

  • Epinephrine - the 'energy' molecule


Question 59 of 80


What is contingency?

Select one of the following:

  • Relationship between response and consequence. An individual will only receive the reinforcement if the behaviour is performed

  • Specifies the task, task record and reinforcement

  • The idea that a behaviour performed more often can reinforce a behaviour performing less often

  • The idea that the consequence must be strong


Question 60 of 80


Which will NOT decrease behaviour?

Select one of the following:

  • Eliminate SD

  • Arrange an AO

  • Increase response effort

  • Provide SD


Question 61 of 80


What are the two brain networks involved in happiness?

Select one of the following:

  • Reward system and Default Mode Network

  • Auditory and Visual

  • Reward System and Endocrine System

  • Positive Punishment and Behavioural Contrast


Question 62 of 80


Luke works in an office whereby his boss is always very critical when Luke presents an idea. He now rarely speaks at work. When he gets home, he often speaks angrily to his friend Ben who is not critical to him. Which of the following explains his behaviour at work and at home?

Select one of the following:

  • Work: Positive Punishment
    Home: Behavioural Contrast

  • Work: Negative Punishment
    Home: Positive Reinforcement

  • Work: Negative Reinforcement
    Home: Behavioural Contract

  • Work: Negative Punishment
    Home: Escape


Question 63 of 80


Hormones are a type of neurotransmitter?

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False


Question 64 of 80


GABA ________ the firing of neurons. Ecstasy leads to a build up of __________ .

Select one of the following:

  • Reduces, Serotonin

  • Increases, Dopamine

  • Reduces, Epinephrine

  • Increases, GABA


Question 65 of 80


Leia checks her son's room everyday after work to make sure that her son had made the bed and cleared the floor of clothes. She gives her son a point for each day the two tasks have been completed properly and her son can trade points for special activities. What kind of recording did Leia choose to measure her son's behaviour? What are the points?

Select one of the following:

  • Outcome recording, Generalised Conditioned Reinforcers

  • Interval recording, points

  • Time-sample, tokens

  • Event, Generalised Conditioned Reinforcers


Question 66 of 80


What is NOT a feature of Angelman's syndrome?

Select one of the following:

  • Smiling

  • Developmental delay

  • Consistent sad moods

  • Tongue thrusting


Question 67 of 80


Individuals with Angelman's syndrome tend to have ___________ rates in smiling with good social interactions, than those without.

Select one of the following:

  • Higher

  • Lower

  • The same


Question 68 of 80


When it comes to children and tolerance of medical procedures, parents play a key role in helping the child to cope. However, some parents can hinder their child's tolerance by acting in an inappropriate manner what is NOT an inappropriate behaviour?

Select one of the following:

  • Overprotective - dealt with by the therapist educating the parents on what might happen

  • Unhelpful Anger - dealt with by being taught skills to alleviate stress

  • Intellectualising - dealt with by offering differential reinforcement for appropriate beahaviour

  • Being supportive - helps the child to deal with the stressful situation in which they are in


Question 69 of 80


Many children are receiving medical treatment for conditions. Medical institutes have devised intervention methods, which is NOT a useful medical intervention for helping children tolerate such procedures?

Select one of the following:

  • Child-friendly environments

  • Graduated exposure

  • Getting it over and done with quickly

  • Distraction


Question 70 of 80


When losing weight is my goal, I should focus on my weight by the scale recording everyday.

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False


Question 71 of 80


A stabbing happened in the subway when I was visiting New York. Now I feel scared every time I am using an underground metro, like the tube. My fear in the tube is a...

Select one of the following:

  • Conditioned emotional response

  • Unconditioned emotional response

  • Positive punisher

  • Negative punisher


Question 72 of 80


Dave starts to record both his positive and negative thoughts as part of his behaviour change plan. He writes down the negative and positive thoughts, as well as recording the antecedents and consequences. Dave now has fewer negative thoughts. This is called:

Select one of the following:

  • Reactivity

  • Contingency contract

  • Psychological Flexibility

  • Thorndike's law of effect


Question 73 of 80


When behaviour modification procedures are used by an individual to change his or her own behaviour, the process is called?

Select one of the following:

  • Self-management

  • Self-efficacy

  • Self-reinforcement

  • Self-blaming


Question 74 of 80


The most powerful of all positive psychology techniques is:

Select one of the following:

  • Three good things method

  • Random acts of kindness

  • Gratitude visit


Question 75 of 80


Important other people who help dispense contingent consequences are called:

Select one of the following:

  • Mediators

  • Obsevers

  • Experimenters

  • Friends


Question 76 of 80


Which is NOT an antecedent manipulation?

Select one of the following:

  • Discriminitive stimuli

  • Motivating operations (AO's and EO's)

  • Response Effort

  • Combining a NS with a US


Question 77 of 80


Which is NOT a chaining method?

Select one of the following:

  • Forward

  • Backward

  • Total-task

  • Interval


Question 78 of 80


Optimists have this perspective after experiencing a NEGATIVE life event:

Select one of the following:

  • External: Out of my control, not my fault
    Transient : A one-off, won’t happen again
    Specific: A particular factor was to blame

  • Internal: I did it!
    Stable: I always do badly at this
    Global: I am poor at this in general


Question 79 of 80


Individuals are more likely to develop into optimistic individuals if

Select one of the following:

  • Parents who encourage optimism and attribute success to internal, stable and global factors in their children

  • Life events per se do not predict pessimism – those that overcome challenge (persistence, hope, control) show increased optimism.

  • Success in overcoming life events (behaviour modification)

  • All of the answers


Question 80 of 80


Happiness makes us

Select one or more of the following:

  • Open-minded and creative

  • Tired

  • Optimistic about the future

  • More likely to engage
