Each question in this quiz is timed.
Revision should be completed in time-chunks of:
35 minutes
45 minutes
25 minutes
55 minutes
Your memory absorbs information best when it is crammed in at the last minute.
Breaks in between revision time-chunks should be:
30 minutes long
5 minutes long
7 minutes long
20 minutes long
Creating an revision / study timetable significantly increases your chances of doing well.
You should not go on Facebook during the 5 minutes break between study revision-chunks.
Which of the following is important in keeping yourself healthy?
Drink lots of water.
Eat a healthy balanced diet, including 5 different types of fruit and veg a day
Get a good 8 hours sleep a night.
Build in time for relaxation and fun.
Talk to people who support you about how you are feeling.
Relax before you go to sleep by having a bath, reading a book or doing gentle stretches.
Take your iphone, tablet, laptop and ipod to bed with you, and spend 3 hours scrolling through stuff before you fall asleep.
Flash cards are a really good way of revision information.
Mind-maps are very effective at condensing lots of information into a way that is easy to memorise.
Revising with a friend once a week is a good way of testing what you've remembered during your study time in the week.
Which is the ideal study situation:
Sitting at a desk, with a good light, some fresh air and minimal interruptions (when you are not too tired).
Slouching on the sofa, with Eastenders omnibus blaring out and your friends chatting to you.
12am the night before the exam, after you've been out with your friends all evening.