Created by Tom Mitchell
over 8 years ago
Who conducted a study into conformity that involved a visual discrimination task?
How many participants were involved in Asch's study?
Mixed gender?
Age group?
What proportion of the test group were confederates?
How many times did confederates give incorrect answers? /18
What was it called when a confederate gave an incorrect answer?
What was the average conformity rate of the critical trials?
What percentage of participants never conformed within the trial?
What percentage of participants conformed on 6 or more of the trials?
What percentage of participants conformed on all of the trials?
How is the ecological validity of this study?
What was found during the debriefing process?
What is meant by Asch's study being a "child of its time"?
What was found by subsequent trials, such as that by Perrin and Spencer, that can help explain the McCarthyism effect?
What is the counter argument of what the results of the study show?
How can culture effect conformity rate?
What is the population validity of this study?