Created by Ben C
almost 9 years ago
Who was the economic minister after 1966, and what did he set out to do and why?
What ran alongside crises during this period?
What was the increase in social spending (figures)?
How was the economy helped during this period?
What were the main economic challenges that the FRG faced during the period 1966-89?
--The recession of 1966-67--
Why did this recession hit German people hard?
What happened to trade and unemployment?
What was the issue with guest workers?
How did the figures of guest workers change (1966-67) and what effect did this have?
How did Karl Schiller, economics minister, restructure the government's approach to the economy?
What was the 1967 Economic Stabilisation Law?
What was added to the Basic Law in 1968?
Due to his failed policies, who was Schiller replaced by in 1972?
--The oil crises of 1973 and 1978--
What was the FRG's relationship with oil?
How much did the FRG spend on oil in 1972?
What were some of the statistics of the oil (how much and price) that the FRG relied on in 1973 and 1978?
What was the effect of this harsh climb in price on the FRG?
How was the issue of unemployment made worse?
Why wasn't the FRG hit as hard as other countries during the oil crisis
What government me
What was the biggest push to cut fuel consumption in the FRG?
What other measures were brought in to help the economic crisis caused by the rise in oil prices?
--Challenges of the 1980s--
What happened in terms of the gap between the richest and poorest in FRG?
What was the effect of this in the FRG?
What was the relationship between imports and exports in FRG from 1978?
However, even though Germany had fantastic exports, what happened to the economy?
What was the unemployment figure in 1981?
Due to the massive increase in unemployment, what happened to government spending?
What did the 1981 government (SPD) do to tackle this problem and what was the public opinion of this?
Give 2 ways in which the Bundestag argument about how to tackle this problem.
What new hardline did the 1982 government take and why?
Give some changes that the Kohl government made to the FRG.
What effect did these changes have on the FRG?
--Integration into the European economy, 1949-89--
Steps to joining Europe, 1948-79
16th April 1948
September 1950
18th April 1951
13th August 1952
9th May 1955
25th March 1957
1st July 1967
What was the effect of the FRG joining the EEC?
What was the Basel Agreement?
In July 1987, the Single European Act came into force. What was this?
--Changing living standards, 1945-89--
Describe families in 1945.
What was the big issue with housing?
How was this problem dealt with?
--Spending patterns--
As the economy strengthened, the standard of living increasing so what did people start spending their money on?
In 1963, what did consumer goods statistics look like?
In 1985, what did consumer goods statistics look like?
What do these statistics show?
What happened to wages during this period?
What happened to people being covered by benefits and healthcare during this period?
What did pension reforms in the 1980s mean?
What happened to social inequality during this period?