Created by Hayden McElduff
over 8 years ago
Where do bushfires occur?
Human environments affected by bushfires
Who are the stake holders in the Black Saturday Bushfires?
List the factors that cause bushfires to occur
List some of the species of trees found in Sclerophyllous forests
List some understory species of the Sclerophyllous forests (small trees and shrubs etc.)
List the uses of the Sclerophyllous forest
Characteristics of Sclerophyllous forests
How are Bushfires measured?
How are Bushfires recorded?
How are bushfires predicted?
What was the estimated total cost of the Black Saturday bushfires?
How many lives were lost in the Black Saturday bushfires?
What was the cost of these lives?
Total amount of insurance claims caused by the Black Saturday Bushfires
How many animals died in the Black Saturday Bushfires?
Define vulnerability
Define resilience
Define adaptation
What were some examples of the stakeholders vulnerability during the Black Saturday bushfires?
How can some of the stakeholders in the Black Saturday bushfires reduce their vulnerability?
What are some examples of the resilience of stakeholders from the Black Saturday bushfires?
Give some examples of how the stakeholders in the Black Saturday bushfires could adapt to reduce the risk of the hazard occurring again