Created by jessnrm98
over 8 years ago
What is Abortion?
Quote the 1967 Act of Parliament on Abortion, and state the amendment of this act in 1991.
Name one feminist supporter of abortion, and list any feminist claims to abortion.
Explain the Sanctity of Life?
Quote Job 35:15
Explain Ensoulment.
Quote Jeremiah 1:5 and state how it can be used against abortion.
Quote the Catechism of the Catholic Church against abortion.
Church of England views on Abortion?
Explain the three views on the question "When does Life Begin?"
State John Locke's (1632 - 1704) view on Personhood, and how it can be used in support of abortion.
State some criticisms against John Locke's view against personhood.
State Michael Tooley's Principle of Moral Equivalence.
State key concepts in John Locke's view on Liberal Body Ownership and its support to abortion.
What is the Quality of Life argument?
Consider some general beliefs in in the Quality of Life argument and criticism against these beliefs.
Criticise Mary Anne's Warren criteria for personhood.
What is the main idea behind Judith Jarvis Thompson's Analogy?