What are Kleshas?
The five klesha's are...
1. Avidya
2. Asmita
3. Raga
4. Dvesa
5. Abhinivesah
What is Prana and what does it mean?
What does Pranayama practice?
Prana circulates in 5 directions in the body, performing different functions. These are...
1. Prana vayu
2. Apana vayu
3. Samana vayu
4. Udana vayu
5. Vyana vatu
What does Kapalabhati and what does it mean?
What means Bandha?
What are the 3 main bandha's?
1. Mula bandha
2. Uddiyana bandha
3. Jalandhara bandha
What is a Nadi?
Name the 3 main ones
Sushumna Nadi
Pingala Nadi
Ida Nadi
Hatha Yoga
The yamas are practices that govern our behaviour towards others.
There are five yamas...
1. Ahimsa
2. Satya
3. Asteya
4. Brahmacharya
5. Aprigraha
Following the yamas are the niyamas, which show up in behaviour towards ourself.
Again there are five...
1. Shaucha
2. Santosha
3. Tapas
4. Svadhyaya
5. Ishvara-pranidhana
The eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga are...
1. Yama
2. Niyama
3. Asana
4. Pranayama
5. Pratyahara
6. Dharana
7. Dhyana
8. Samadhi
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
Name the four chapters
Yoga Citta vrtti nirodah
(YS 1:2)
There are 5 Vrttis,
what are they?
(YS 1:5 & 6)
(YS 1:12)
(YS 1:16)
Sthira sukham asanam
(YS 2:46)
The seven main chakras are
1. Muladhara chakra
2. Svadhisthana chakra
3. Manipura chakra
4. Anahata chakra
5. Visuddha chakra
6. Ajna chakra
7. Sahasrara chakra
Describe what chakras are
What is the object of Pranayama?(according to the Tantric texts)
What is Japa?
What is Mantra?
What is Atman?
What is Ishvara
Ajapa- Japa
What is So Ham?
Explain AUM
What is Purusha?
What is Prakriti?
Jivan mukta
What is Kriya Yoga?
Yoga means...?
What is a Shatkarma?
Name the Shatkarma kriiiiiyas
There are
4 stages of consciousness,
name them
What are Gunas and name them
What is Sattva?
What is Rajas?
What is Tamas?
What are the main paths of yoga?
What is Brahma?
What is the meaning of Svaha?
What is Sadhana?
Which factors contribute positively to Sadhana?
Explain Maya
What is Nada Yoga?
The Upanishads, tell something about them
Name 3 upanishads
What is Brahman?
What is Samsara?
What are Granthi's?
What is Karma?
What is Samskara?
What is Viveka?
What is buddhi?
What is Sanatan Dharma?
Explain the Trinity of Creation, Preservation and Destruction
Vinyasa Krama What does it do to the muscles?
What is Anahatha Nadam?
Name 3 types of Karma and explain them
What is Manas?
What is a mudra?
Explain Raja Yoga
Name the main Hindu deities