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Ana Quintero
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

Mind Map on LEARNING TRHOUGH TEACHING, created by Ana Quintero on 14/04/2016.

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Ana Quintero
Created by Ana Quintero almost 9 years ago
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LEARNING TRHOUGH TEACHINGIDRA: Intercultural Development ResearchAssociation is an independent, non-profitorganization that is dedicated to assuringeducational opportunity for every childNEW PATTERNS FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGEstrategy:“using practice as a medium forprofessional development”PROYECT: ExCELS (Educators x Communities =English Language learners’ Success), funded bythe U.S. Department of Educationfocused on improving teachers’ capacity to addresscurriculum, instruction, assessment and parentinvolvement issues that impact the achievement oflimited-English-proficient (LEP) students.Five components: • Training for Capacity Building • TechnicalAssistance for Classroom Support • Teacher Mentoring •Teacher-Parent Partnership • ESL Learning CommunitiesIDRA´s teachers were intrigued by the reflexive andcritical process of learning through real teaching.The practice of teachingas a medium for teacherdevelopment requires:A context of hihg qualitymodel teachingA process of deepnoticingA critical result sought is applicationappropriate to the observer’s skill level thatleads to self-critique and self-improvement.An effective lesson for Englishlanguage learners includes:Recognizing and drawing on studentexperiences (prior knowledge)ExCELS has five major elementsTraining for Capacity Building: Workshops ondeveloping a knowledge base for English languageacquisition; the role of language in contentlearning; and diversified forms of assessmentTeacher Mentoring: modeling,coaching and material sharing.ESL Learning Communities: electroniccommunication with ESL experts andhigher education resourcesTeacher-Parent Partnership: parent meetings;student/teacher/parent conversationsTechnical Assistance for Classroom Support: Model lessons,designing instruction, planning meetings, guidingconversations; team problemsolving and success sharingAllowing for multiple opportunities todemonstrate learning and masteryAligning with state standardsDemonstrating the use oflanguage to develop contentConnecting to real-life applicationDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node