Each question in this quiz is timed.
Which of the following is NOT a major mast cell mediator?
Arachadonic acid
Platelet activating factor
Neutrophilic chemotactic factor
Lymphocytic chemotactic factor
Serine proteases
Which of the following are effects of histamine? Check all that apply.
Stimulates nitric oxide production (potent vasodilator)
Enhances leukocyte chemotaxis
Produces arachadonic acid metabolites
Stimulates smooth muscle contraction (bronchi, small intestines, pulmonary vasoconstriction)
Causes decreased vascular permeability
Leukotrienes are metabolites of arachadonic acid that are potent bronchoconstrictors.
Which of the following pairings is INCORRECT?
Serine proteases- destroy nearby cells and activate complement
Kinins- stimulate pain receptors
Cytokines- regulate storage and release of vasoactive mediators
Heparin- acts as anticoagulant
Generally, the onset of anaphylaxis is not related to severity of signs.
Localized anaphylaxis has evidence of generalized mediator release restricted to cutaneous findings alone. Which of the following is NOT one of these findings?
These are all appropriate cutaneous findings, Karah. Get it together!
Which of the following are true regarding epinephrine for systemic anaphylaxis? Check all that apply.
Blocks effects of mediators
Reduces further mast cell degranulation
Increases cardiac output
Promotes bronhoconstriction
Peripheral vasodilation
IV dose of 1 mg/ml concentration is 0.05-0.1 ml/10 lbs
When treating anaphylaxis with crystalloid IV fluids it is important that systolic blood pressure is maintained at >80 mmHg.
Which of the following is the anti-inflammatory dose of dexamethasone SP for treatment of anaphylaxis?
0.1-0.2 mg/kg IV
0.5-1 mg/kg IV
0.1-0.2 mg/kg IM
0.5-1 mg/kg IM
The IM dose of diphenhydramine for systemic anaphylaxis is 1-2 mg/kg.
What drug can we use to manage persistent bradycardia with systemic anaphylaxis?
Atropine, 0.02-0.04 mg/kg IV, IM
Atropine, 0.2-0.4 mg/kg IV, IM
Dobutamine, 5-10 mcg/kg/min IV (constant rate infusion)
Dobutamine, 0.5-1 mcg/kg/min IV (constant rate infusion)
Aminophylline/theophyylline is a bronchodilator given IM or IV (slowly) at 4-8 mg/kg.
What is the dose for oral diphenhydramine for treatment of localized anaphylaxis?
1 mg/lb q 8 hrs until all signs are clear
1 mg/kg q 8 hrs until all signs are clear