Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

A practice quiz for the 1CC3 final - focuses on what might appear on the "identify and state significance" section

Created by kozolekyra over 8 years ago

1CC3 Rise of Empires Quiz

Question 1 of 34


Select the best definition for what Weaver refers to as "a choke point city"

Select one of the following:

  • Cities that were great once but collapsed quickly

  • Important cities with avenues of communication and trade that endured for centuries

  • Important cities with huge amounts of natural resources that allowed an empire to flourish


Question 2 of 34


What best describes the fiscal military state?

Select one of the following:

  • A state with an enormous military

  • The ability of people to organize resources for military purposes

  • A state with no other administrative goals other than to form a large, powerful military


Question 3 of 34


How are globalization and global integration different?

Select one of the following:

  • Globalization came before global integration

  • There is no difference, they are synonymous

  • Global integration is slower moving, moved by small sailing ships, animal caravans - it doesn’t have much depth of penetration


Question 4 of 34


How did Constantinople become a choke point city?

Select one of the following:

  • There were no enemies for thousands of miles away from the city

  • It was a defensive site in a perfect location

  • Constantine paid an enormous sum of money to have a moat dug around it


Question 5 of 34


What was most significant to the success of the Byzantine Empire?

Select one of the following:

  • They had mercenaries, practiced cunning diplomacy, and were equipped with spies

  • They spread the Greek language throughout their empire

  • Missionaries spread the Christian religion of the Byzantine Empire


Question 6 of 34


What was the Reconquista?

Select one of the following:

  • The beginning of conflict between the Christians and Muslims - it is where myths about conquering developed, where the idea that a subject group must adhere to their faith

  • The beginning of conflict between the Christians and Jews - it is where myths about conquering developed, where the idea that a subject group must adhere to their faith

  • The beginning of conflict between the Shia and Sunni - it is where myths about conquering developed, where the idea that a subject group must adhere to their faith


Question 7 of 34


What is the Pirenne thesis?

Select one of the following:

  • Conquests are based on conjecture

  • Islamic territories cut off Europe and forced trade and artisan development in northern Europe because Muslims cut off supply of papyrus, spices, luxury fabrics, gold coins

  • Islamic territories cut off Europe and forced trade and artisan development in northern Europe because Muslims cut off supply of papyrus, spices, luxury fabrics, gold coins - however this theory has been discounted


Question 8 of 34


What did the Liber Abaci do?

Select one of the following:

  • Spread algebra and numbering system to Europe -this allowed from huge leaps in accounting and finance

  • Allowed the mongols to spread and conquer

  • Helped men translate Greek texts into Arabic


Question 9 of 34


What did NOT contribute to the dissemination of Islam?

Select one of the following:

  • Arab/Islamic people traded over land – networks reached from the far north of Africa to the boundaries of modern China

  • Other empires were exhausted from constant battles, therefore they were weakened and vulnerable

  • Horses and camels allowed people to move quickly – allowed Islam to move quickly

  • Arab/ Islamic people had far superior weapons to any other group of people at this time


Question 10 of 34


Who was Ala ud Din?

Select one of the following:

  • A common person that was able to create a vast empire

  • A warrior prince that created a small empire and defeated Genghis Khan

  • A warrior prince that created a small empire and was defeated by Genghis Khan


Question 11 of 34


What is Karkorum?

Select one of the following:

  • The capital of the Mongol empire

  • Genghis Khan's weapon of choice

  • A Chinese dynasty


Question 12 of 34


What was NOT a result of the Black Plague?

Select one of the following:

  • Improvement of farming techniques + fall in the price of agriculture

  • Inflation lead to the peasants being happier

  • Social change – gave some influence and leverage to skilled labourers and farmers and less power to aristocrats

  • For the people who survived it meant a new concentration of wealth


Question 13 of 34


Why is there a wool sack in the house of lords in England?

Select one of the following:

  • Serves as a reminder of the corruption of the wool trade

  • Serves of a reminder of the wealth accumulated through the trade of wool

  • It's comfy to sit on


Question 14 of 34


Why is it significant that Venice was a thalassocracy?

Select one of the following:

  • This meant trade without fear or favour - they controlled the Brenner Pass and thus the Aegean

  • This meant trade was a lot more dangerous - pirates were a constant threat to Venice

  • This meant constant quarrels about fishing rights and territories which almost caused a war


Question 15 of 34


Why did the Star of David appear on an Ottoman war banner?

Select one of the following:

  • The ottomans wanted to create a Jewish empire

  • An indication that the ottomans wanted to declare war on the Jews

  • The ottomans were open to religious diversity if you paid your taxes


Question 16 of 34


Who was Charles V?

Select one of the following:

  • A Hapsburg

  • The builder of the Holy Roman Empire

  • A man from a great Swiss family

  • All of these answers are correct


Question 17 of 34


What happens at the Battle of Lepanto (1571)

Select one of the following:

  • Venice attacks Ottoman fleets and are defeated

  • Venice attacks Ottoman fleets and are successful in destroying the ottoman fleet

  • Venice attacks Ottoman fleets but the battle ends in a compromise


Question 18 of 34


What is the Millet System?

Select one of the following:

  • The ottoman arrangement for dealing with Jews and Christians through their religious leaders

  • Genoas merchants pioneer shipping trade

  • Portuguese mariners discover the Atlantic islands and begin conquest of Guanche’s and set up sugar plantations


Question 19 of 34


What is the significance of "the legacy in the east"

Select one of the following:

  • The split between the roman catholic church and the eastern orthodox church

  • The re-conquest of Spain and the expulsion of the Jews who did not convert – eventually the expulsion of Muslims

  • The east contained some of the most powerful empires the world has ever seen


Question 20 of 34


What was NOT significant/ a part of Spanish conquest in the Americas?

Select one of the following:

  • Spanish silver mined in South America had a dramatic effect on the money supply in Europe – too much money in circulation

  • The Spanish introduced European diseases to the indigenous killing large sums of their populations

  • The Spanish learned a great deal about sustaining crops from the indigenous

  • The Spaniards adopted some of the administrative practices of the Inca and the Aztec


Question 21 of 34


What did NOT contribute to the Dutch forming such a successful empire?

Select one of the following:

  • High productivity farming

  • Warhousing

  • By making few enemies to minimize the risk of war

  • A successful rebellion against the Hapsburg empire


Question 22 of 34


Why were the VOC against colonialism?

Select one of the following:

  • They didn't have enough people to establish colonies

  • It was inefficient and uneconomical

  • They were against anything the English were doing


Question 23 of 34


What was NOT a Chinese invention?

Select one of the following:

  • Insurance

  • Gunpowder

  • Porcelain


Question 24 of 34


According to "the Diamond Question", why, if China had the elements for long distance navigation and trade, did it not embark on global colonization? Select the most correct answer to this question

Select one of the following:

  • China stopped trying

  • There was a strong belief that the empire already had everything it needed

  • The Chinese at this time were very inverted


Question 25 of 34


Peter the Great can be said to have...

Select one of the following:

  • Brought Russia into deep debt

  • Modernized Russia

  • Expanded Russia as little as possible


Question 26 of 34


Fear of invasion made the Russians want to...

Select one of the following:

  • Expand

  • Make as many alliances as possible

  • Build huge fortresses to protect themselves


Question 27 of 34


What is NOT a European concept of state government?

Select one of the following:

  • Administrative bureaucracy

  • Taxation

  • Local armies

  • Bribery


Question 28 of 34


What was the third phase of the British empire in India?

Select one of the following:

  • The period when the company became a real agent trying to fashion a modern state in terms of public works and legal reform

  • Nabobs went to India to gain wealth

  • The trading phase


Question 29 of 34


The law code in India was based off of...

Select one of the following:

  • Marxism

  • Utilitarianism

  • The understanding that everyone was equal under the law


Question 30 of 34


Was is NOT true about Braudel?

Select one of the following:

  • He was opposed to daily news

  • He felt that by looking back and studying a broader time span, you become aware of strangeness and important changes

  • He focused on changes of food, climate, and culture instead of focusing on Kings and regimes

  • He was a Swiss historian


Question 31 of 34


Which reading/ book does the following passage come from?

"First, the prospective settlement had to be placed where the land and climate were similar to those in some parts of Europe. Europeans and their commensal and parasitic comrades were not good at adapting to truly alien lands and climates, but there were very good at constructing new versions of Europe out of suitable real-estate. Second, the prospective colonies had to be in lands remote from the Old World so that there would be no or few predators or disease organisms adapted to preying on Europeans and their plants and animals".

Select one of the following:

  • Vermeer's Hat - Brook

  • Ecological Imperialism - Crosby

  • The Great Land Rush - Weaver


Question 32 of 34


What reading/ book does this passage come from? Consider the main themes of each reading we have covered and consider the significance.

"Along the threads ran all manners of people and goods, boats and carts, warriors and weapons. So too ran a lot of other things: animals and plants, pathogens and seeds, words and ideas. Movement along the web was not ordered according to anyone's wishes, but it was never random, for the only ways things like plants or ideas could move was by travelling in the company of those who moved, and those who moved did so in relation to needs and fears that followed patterns".

Select one of the following:

  • Vermeer's Hat - Brooks

  • Guns, Germs, and Steel - Diamond

  • Taming the Wild Field - Sunderland


Question 33 of 34


What reading/ book does this passage come from? Consider the main themes of each reading we have covered and consider the significance.

"When they set out to dismember tribal land holdings, colonizers knew that they were assailing customary authority within indigenous communities and understood that they caused dissension. In fact, official policy in New Zealand and the United States leaned towards privatized title both to free land and to promote assimilation".

Select one of the following:

  • Writing Histories - Perude

  • Ecological Imperialism - Crosby

  • The Great Land Rush - Weaver


Question 34 of 34


Which reading/ book does the following passage come from? Consider the significance of this passage in relation to the main themes of this course.

"From beyond the Dniepr came the first Russian and foreign warriors and farmers to the new Russian steppe. They built homes there and as their power and numbers inevitably increases, they moved farther and farther south, and they did not stop until the Russian Black Wings were unfurled across the shores of the Black and Azov Seas, until the entire steppe from the Danube to Kremenchug became a great and flourishing Russian region".

Select one of the following:

  • Vermeer's Hat - Brook

  • Taming the Wild Field - Sunderland

  • The Great Land Rush - Weaver
