Created by jennabarnes12387
almost 11 years ago
What is Endosymbiosis?
What are the five super groups of protists?
Which organism types do we study in this lab from the supergroups?
what Excavata Diplomonad species do we study?
What Excavata Euglenozoan Kinetoplastid species do we study?
Kinetoplastids and Euglenids have what in common?
how do you know if an organism is in the excavata supergroup?
How do you know if an organism is a diplomonda?
how can you tell if an organism is an euglenzoan?
how can you tell if an organism is a kinetoplastid?
How can you tell if an organism is an Euglenids?
How can you tell if an organism is in the supergroup Ameobrozoa?
How can you tell if an organism is a gymnamoebas?
how can you tell if an organism is slime mold?
How can you tell is an organism is a radiolarian?
How can you tell if an organism is a ciliate?
how can you tell if an organism is a Stramenopiles?
how can you tell if an organism is an oomycetes?
What Excavata Euglenozoan euglenid species do we study?
What Unikonta Amoebozoa Gymnamoebas species do we study?
What Unikonta Amoebozoa species do we study besides ameobas?
What Rhizaria group do we study (not a specific species)?
What Chromalveolata Alveolate cliliate species do we study?
What Chromaloveolata Alveolate stramenoplile species?
what is a heterotroph?
What are autotrophs?
What are mixotrophs?
what are protozoans?
what are algae?
describe Giardia Lamblia.
describe trypanosoma.
describe Euglena.
Describe Amoeba Proteus.
describe slime molds.
describe Radiolarians.
describe Paramecium.
describe Saprolegnia