Phonology is
the student of language and society.
the study of language development.
the study of systems and patterns of speech sounds in language.
Linguistics is
The study of language and it's structure.
The study of systems and patterns of speech sounds in language.
Morphology is the analysis of the structure of words.
Syntax Morphology Phonemics( Syntax, Morphology, Phonemics ) is the analysis of the structure of phrases and sentences.
Which word means the study of the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences.
Phonemics is the study of speaker meaning and how more is communicated than is said.
Sociolinguistics is the study of relationship between
Standard English is a set of rules and structures
Dialect is aspects of of a variety of a language, in contrast to accent.
Which term refers to the smallest unit of meaning
A, E, I , O, U are all examples of a vowel consonant( vowel, consonant ).
Which term describes a sound produced by letting air flow around the sides of the tongue?
Which term describes sounds that are produced with the tongue in motion to or from a vowel sound.
A sound produced through the nose is called a
A stop is a produced by stopping the airflow, then letting it go.
A fricative is a consonant produced by almost blocking the airflow.
Affricative Fricative( Affricative, Fricative ) is a consonant produced by stopping then releasing the airflow through a narrow opening.
Voiced Voiceless( Voiced, Voiceless ) sounds produced with vibrations of the vocal cords.
Voiceless Voiced( Voiceless, Voiced ) sounds are speech sounds produced without vibration of the vocal folds.
is grammar that is based on a description of the structures actually used in a language, not what should be used.