Odontoblast orientation is such that the nuclei face the ameloblasts. The ER, mitochondria, and golgi point towards the pulp.
Both true
True, false
False, true
Both false
Cathepsin K becomes active at neutral pH. MMPs are active at pH 5
The majority of the dentin matrix is made from type III collagen. Mantle dentin is made from type I collagen
Von Korff fibers are seen within the predentin matrix. They will be mineralized via vesicles.
Globular dentin in seen as a reaction to injury or in rapid tooth formation. Linear dentin is formed more gradually
Which of the following is true?
DPP is acidic and initiates mineralization
DSP inhibits mineralization
DGP inhibits mineralization, found at C-terminal
All of the above
Proteases can be found in dentin matrix, cementum, and bone. Non-collagen proteins are not characteristic of dentin itself although they stimulate tertiary dentin formation
Dead dentinal tracts come from...
tooth decay
dead odontoblast
decay and odontoblast only
all of the above
Dentin formed in response to injury resembles bone. Intertubular dentin generally tends to resemble trabecular bone