Created by mcoltezo
almost 9 years ago
Worldwide, the equivalent of how many trees is either flushed or dumped in landfills every day?
Roughly what percent of that total amount of trees lost is attributable to toilet paper, according to the latest issue of World Watch magazine?
So how many trees to toilet paper?
And with the increasing pressure to reduce and discontinue the use of old growth forests, what is the response solution?
What are the problems with tree plantations?
Which uses more water? converting virgin pulp to toilet paper or creating recycled tp?
What is one of the major contributing factors to global climate change according to the NRDC?
Toilet tissue accounts for what percent of deforestation?
What is not the optimal fiber source for disposable tissue products?
What should be used instead?
How much of the total landfill mass in US dumps and landfills is attributed to waste paper?
In this decade Americans will throw away how much office paper and newspaper?
According to the U of Colorado's Environmental Center,
What does one ton of recycled paper (909 kg) save in the way of lumber and water?
According to the U of Colorado's Environmental Center
What does one ton of recycled paper (909 kg) save in the way of energy and water?
According to the U of Colorado's Environmental Center
What does one ton of recycled paper (909 kg) save in the way of trees?
According to the U of Colorado's Environmental Center
According to the U of Colorado's Environmental Center, what does one ton of recycled paper (909 kg) create in the way of jobs?
trophic cascade