An immune response usually only occurs after the second exposure to the allergen
Which, most commonly has the first contact with the allergen?
Mast cells
Once bound to the allergen, the cell converts into a Mast Cell
What is the role of Plasma Cells?
IgE production
IgB production
IgD production
What happens to the released antibodies?
They bind to and sensitise Mast cells
They bind to and sensitise plasma cells
They stimulate the immune response
The sensitised Mast Cell will now recognise the allergen if encountered again
What happens if the allergen is encountered a second time?
It links together two IgE's on the Mast cell surface
It links together two IgE's on the plasma cell surface
Causing the release of histamine and an immune response
Anaphylaxis- a severe, life threatening immune reaction
'Itch specific' nerve fibres stimulated by the immune response have what type of receptors?