- "Naked I came from my mother's , and naked shall I there; the Lord , and the Lord has ; be the name of the Lord."
"We may take the of the of human life to be no more than a way of saying that human life has some very value [...] " - #1
"It is to seek a sense of ethical when it is gained at the of the of others." - Tony
Jeremiah - "Before I you in the ."
Psalm - "For it was you who my parts; you me together in my mother's womb."
Luke - "For as soon as I heard the of your , the child in my womb for ."
"Once a new human comes into existence she will gradually move from a or into an person when she becomes capable of her own existence. And it is very difficult to say when this is. [...] - John (1995) (philosopher) #1
" [...] And if eventually she this , she will have to be a ." - Harris (1995) (philosopher) - and the Value of Life - #2
"A human being is a because the to which he belongs is by a . Thus we have the same , and hence the same person when we have the same human being." - Elizabeth
(True to a point:) "a to what happens in and to [our] body" - (19) - A of Abortion
(BUT:) "after all the 's is the 's , not the 's." - John (19) - The Rights and Wrongs of : A Reply to Judith Jarvis Thomson
Luke 1:- - Jesus was once an too; changes
Doctors promised to " the respect for human life, for the time of its ." - Declaration of (19)
Matthew - "Just as you did it to the of these who are members of my you did it to me." (Jesus - + weak)
' personhood' - undermines value human - eg: less tribes < Greeks ; " slaves" - Aristotle ( - BC) or lesser kind human being; (disabled, Jews/racially inferior, criminal etc.) - "" -
"I believe that at all and in all life is a blessed ." - Malcom
"The which our expresses at the moment is that everyone, however they are and in whatever they are in, is of ." - Richard
"The argument against abortion, on which all others , is that the child is already a human being, a , a of , and that abortion is therefore ." - John Leslie
"From the first moment of his a human being must be recognised as having the of a person - among which is the right of every to life." - of Catholic Church () - (Pope Pius XI - and Pope Paul VI - 1968)
Genesis - "The Lord God the man [...] and into his nostrils the breath of , and man became a being."
Exodus 20: - "You shall not ."
example/analogy - Judith Jarvis
Genesis - "So God in His ."
"Since neither a infant nor a is a , the of killing beings is not as great as the wrongness of killing a person." - Singer