Tristan Reinsma
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago


Tristan Reinsma
Created by Tristan Reinsma over 8 years ago

Management of product innovation

Question 1 of 27


1. The innovation funnel:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Sketches the role of management in the innovation process

  • b. Ends up before the launch stage

  • c. Is a rough sketch of the development process

  • d. Is mainly based on the pharmaceutical industry


Question 2 of 27


2. Technology:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Mainly concerns equipment of a firm, such as machines or instruments

  • b. Is in its purest essence knowledge

  • c. Concerns the processes of a firm

  • d. Is the residual of the change in gross domestic product over the years


Question 3 of 27


3. What trait(s) do most successful inventors not possess?

Select one of the following:

  • a. More interested in problems than solutions

  • b. Seeking local solutions instead of global ones

  • c. Not specialized solely in one field

  • d. Questioning assumptions made in previous work in the field


Question 4 of 27


4. An example of agglomeration economics is:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Concentration of pollution

  • b. An increased likelihood of the firm’s competitors to gain access to the firm’s knowledge

  • c. Traffic congestion

  • d. Attract new labor to the area


Question 5 of 27


5. The two dimensions of a technology S-curve are:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Effort and time

  • b. Performance and time

  • c. Performance and effort

  • d. Performance and diffusion


Question 6 of 27


6. The most suitable group of opinion leaders with respect to an innovation is:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Innovators

  • b. Early adopters

  • c. Early majority

  • d. Late majority


Question 7 of 27


7. Network externalities refer to an increased value due to:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Complementary goods

  • b. Installed base and complementary goods

  • c. Absorptive capacity

  • d. Path dependency


Question 8 of 27


8. The users’ comparison of a new and an existing technology is based on:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Objective information about actual technological benefits

  • b. Objective information, subjective information and expectations for the future

  • c. Perceived technological benefits and the perceived installed base

  • d. Expectation with respect to technological benefits, installed base , and the availability of complementary goods


Question 9 of 27


9. According to Porter’s value chain, placing a purchasing order is part of:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Inbound logistics

  • b. Procurement

  • c. Outbound logistics

  • d. Operations


Question 10 of 27


10. Core competences are in general:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Distinct from elemental abilities

  • b. Business-unit related

  • c. Linked to one end product

  • d. Equal to core technologies


Question 11 of 27


11. A firm’s alliance strategy can be categorized among two dimensions:

Select one of the following:

  • a. The extent of capability complementation and the extent of capability transfer

  • b. The extent of capability complementation and the extent new capabilities are jointly developed

  • c. Capability complementation versus transfer and an individual versus a network of alliances

  • d. The extent to which skills and resources can be combined and the extent of knowledge transfer


Question 12 of 27


12. Licensing is a type of:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Alliance

  • b. Outsourcing

  • c. Contract manufacturing

  • d. Joint venture


Question 13 of 27


13. Standardization within the firm primarily refers to:

Select one of the following:

  • a. A uniform way to perform activities

  • b. The behavior of the firm members

  • c. Managerial oversight over the firm

  • d. Decision-making authority in the firm


Question 14 of 27


14. Organic structures are characterized by:

Select one of the following:

  • a. A network of organizations

  • b. Modular organizations

  • c. A high level of organization

  • d. A low level of standardization and formalization


Question 15 of 27


15. What statement about project/ product champions is not correct?

Select one of the following:

  • a. Champions are more likely to be involved with radical innovation projects

  • b. Champions are more likely to be from R&D or marketing

  • c. Champions may arise from any level in the organization

  • d. As of 2001 the majority of North American firms use senior managers to champion new product development projects


Question 16 of 27


16. What statement is correct about the stage-gate process?

Select one of the following:

  • a. Gates are activity-based, stages decision-based

  • b. Idea generation usually is part of the actual stage-gate process for development

  • c. Building a business case is usually part of the stage-gate process

  • d. The stage-gate process consists of five steps


Question 17 of 27


17. What statement is correct about functional development teams?

Select one of the following:

  • a. These teams have a junior or middle manager as a project manager

  • b. There is high potential for conflict between team and functions

  • c. Team members may have little commitment to the development project

  • d. These teams have dedicated liaison personnel facilitating communication and coordination among functions


Question 18 of 27


18. A contract book defines:

Select one of the following:

  • a. The project’s mission

  • b. Measurable goals for the project

  • c. The basic plan to realize the project goals

  • d. Who is on the development team


Question 19 of 27


19. To examine the impact of informal coordination on the unit’s level of ambidexterity, Jansen et al (2006) focus on:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Social relationships between units in the firm

  • b. Social relationships within the unit of the firm

  • c. Power relations between units of the firm

  • d. Power relations within the units of the firm


Question 20 of 27


20. In the Cardinal (2001) study formalization is part of:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Input control

  • b. Behavioral control

  • c. Output control

  • d. None of these answers is correct


Question 21 of 27


21. In the Song et al (2007) study:

Select one of the following:

  • a. The use of CMC technologies is more important than the level of co-location for the sharing of technological knowledge

  • b. The level of co-location is more important than the use of CMC technologies for the sharing of technological knowledge

  • c. Both measures mentioned are equally important for the sharing of technological knowledge

  • d. Both measures mentioned have no influence on the sharing of technological knowledge


Question 22 of 27


22. What statement about the Gassmann and von Zedtwitz (2003) study is correct:

Select one of the following:

  • a. The more incremental the innovation the more successful a centralized venture team

  • b. The more systemic the nature of the project the more successful a decentralized venture team

  • c. The more tacit the knowledge the more successful a centralized venture team

  • d. The more overlap of competences the more successful a centralized venture team


Question 23 of 27


23. Increasing the number of stages in the stage gate (Cooper, 2008) is an example of:

Select one of the following:

  • a. Information flexibility

  • b. Time rigidity

  • c. Organizational rigidity

  • d. Organizational flexibility


Question 24 of 27


24. If products are novel then (Sethi & Iqbal 2008):

Select one of the following:

  • a. Learning failure is negatively related to market performance

  • b. Learning failure is positively related to market performance

  • c. Project inflexibility is negatively related to learning failure

  • d. None of these answers is correct


Question 25 of 27


Ambidexterity in Innovation Management means:

Select one of the following:

  • The management of both exploration and exploitation

  • The management of both radical and incremental innovation

  • The management of the initiation and implementation stage in an innovation project

  • The management of both certainty and uncertainty in the firm


Question 26 of 27


The existence of virtual global development teams leads to

Select one of the following:

  • Knowledge sharing problems within the subteams

  • Knowledge sharing problems among the subteams

  • An increased spontaneity of encounters

  • None of these answers is correct


Question 27 of 27


Having many iterations in the development process using customer feedback to improve, is an example of:

Select one of the following:

  • Organizational rigidity

  • Time flexibility

  • Informational flexibility

  • Informational rigidity
