Created by Deepak Boopathi
about 11 years ago
Similarities between human and other living
Difference between human and other living organisms
Sanskrit name for human goals
Four types of human goals
Two classification of human goals
Purpose of artha
Purpose of kama
Purpose of dharma
Punyam visible or invisible result
Sanskrit name for invisible result
What can be taken to next jenma
Limitations of preyas
What results in pain
What is parama purushartha
Is our parama purushartha is moksha
What should be the Heirarchy of Goals
Sastra Starts with Artha Goal.In case of insecurity is it ok to follow Adharma
Why dhana is not Mentioned as a goal but only as a path
Is Super success a necessary Goal.If so Why?
If moksha the ultimate purpose.becoming success and giving it back make any sense
What is the use of a Brahma rishi to the society
who is better brahma rishi or raja rishi or raja
Is moksha a cognitive resolution or an experience