paul baker
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on CMA 202 final, created by paul baker on 11/05/2016.

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paul baker
Created by paul baker about 8 years ago

CMA 202 final

Question 1 of 157


The Hand Tai Yin- Lung meridian is associated with which of the following organs and tissue EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • Spleen

  • Stomach

  • Lung

  • Throat


Question 2 of 157


The Hand Yang Ming - Large Intestine Luo Collateral connects to which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • Hand Tai Yin Lung Channel

  • Shoulder

  • Teeth

  • Ear

  • All of the above


Question 3 of 157


The Hand Tai Yin Lung Channel internal pathway starts in

Select one of the following:

  • LU 1

  • Middle Jiao

  • Chest

  • Large Intestine


Question 4 of 157


The hand Tai Yin Lung Channel external pathway divides at the

Select one of the following:

  • Styloid Process

  • Thenar eminence

  • Index Finger

  • Supraclavicular fossa


Question 5 of 157


The Yang Ming - Large Intestine dominates disorders of

Select one of the following:

  • Qi

  • Blood

  • Jin (body fluids)

  • Vessels


Question 6 of 157


The Hand Tai Yin Lung Divergent Channel converges with the Hand Large Intestine Regular Channel at the

Select one of the following:

  • Axillary fossa

  • Supraclavicular fossa

  • Throat

  • Chest


Question 7 of 157


Which of the following pathologies relate to the Hand Tai Yin Lung Tendinomuscular Channel

Select one of the following:

  • Pulling sensation and stiffness of the big toe

  • Swelling and distension of the inguinal groove area

  • Spasm and pain of the chest and hypochondria region, and hematemesis (Xi Fen)

  • All of the above


Question 8 of 157


Which of the following is NOT the Deficiency type pathology of Hand Tai Yin Lung Luo Collateral?

Select one of the following:

  • shortness of breath

  • burning pain

  • yawning

  • frequent urination and enuresis


Question 9 of 157


The Hand Tai Yand Ming Large Intestine Luo Collateral treats

Select one of the following:

  • toothache, cold sensation in the teeth

  • tightness in the chest and diaphragm

  • ear disorders

  • all of the above


Question 10 of 157


Where does the Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Tendinomuscular Channel end?

Select one of the following:

  • Throat

  • Mandible

  • Lower gum

  • Ear


Question 11 of 157


Which of the following is a Window Sky acupoint?

Select one of the following:

  • LI 16

  • LI 17

  • LI 18

  • All of the above


Question 12 of 157


Which of the following Tendinomuscular Channels is best to treat Frozen Shoulder?

Select one of the following:

  • Hand Tai Yin Lung

  • Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine

  • Foot Yang Ming Stomach

  • Foot Tai Yin Spleen


Question 13 of 157


The differentiation between "Wind-cold invading the lung" and "Wind heat invading the Lung" is that "Wind-cold invading the lung" has

Select one of the following:

  • Cough

  • Floating pulse

  • No sweating

  • Less aversion to cold


Question 14 of 157


The differentiation between 'Lung Qi Deficiency" and "Lung Yin Deficiency" is that "Lung Yin Deficiency" has

Select one of the following:

  • Shortness of breath

  • spontaneous Sweating

  • 5-palm heat

  • Cough and wheezing


Question 15 of 157


Which of the following is NOT the signs of Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine?

Select one of the following:

  • Fever, thirst without desire to drink

  • Abdominal pain relieved by application of warmth and pressure

  • diarrhea with mucus or blood in stools

  • tenesmus, burning sensation of anus


Question 16 of 157


Which of the following is the characteristic of Damp-phlegm Obstructing the lung?

Select one of the following:

  • Dry cough with blood tinged sputum

  • Cough with profuse white sticky sputum

  • Cough with sticky-yellow or green sputum

  • cough with white-watery-frothy sputum


Question 17 of 157


A patient manifested as coughing and vomiting of white watery frothy sputum, feeling of fullness and stuffiness in the chest, splashing sound in the chest, dizziness, a feeling of heaviness of the head, pale tongue with thick sticky white coating, and wiry pulse indicates:

Select one of the following:

  • Damp-Phlegm obstructing the lung

  • Phlegm obstructing the Lung

  • Cold-Phlegm obstructing the Lung

  • Phlegm- fluid obstructing the Lung


Question 18 of 157


In addition to ST 25 and BL 25, which of the following acupoints are best to treat constipation?

Select one of the following:

  • KD 6 & TB 6

  • PC 6 & SP 4

  • ST 36 & LI 10

  • KD 6 & LU 7


Question 19 of 157


Which of the following acupoint combination is best to release the exterior?

Select one of the following:

  • LU 9 & BL 13

  • LU 7 & KD 6

  • LU 7 & CV 17

  • LU 7 & LI 4


Question 20 of 157


A 65-year-old male has been suffering from cough and shortness of breath. He has spontaneous sweating and feeling fatigue. He also catches cold easily. His tongue is pale and has weak pulse. What is the pattern diagnosis?

Select one of the following:

  • WInd-cold attacking the lungs

  • Damp-phlegm obstructing the lung

  • Lung Qi deficiency

  • Lung Yin Deficiency


Question 21 of 157


A 50-year-old male has suffered from shortness of breath, wheezing, cough with thick-white sputum, chest fullness, nauseas, and vomiting. His tongue had white-greasy coating and slippery pulse. What is the pattern diagnosis?

Select one of the following:

  • Wind-cold invading the lung

  • WInd-heat invading the lung

  • Damp-phlegm obstructing the lung

  • Phlegm-heat obstruction the lung


Question 22 of 157


A 50-year-old male has suffered from shortness of breath, wheezing, cough with thick-white sputum, chest fullness, nauseas, and vomiting. His tongue had white-greasy coating and slippery pulse. Which of the following acupoint selections is appropriate for this patient?

Select one of the following:

  • BL 13, BL 20, LU 7, ST 40, CV 12, PC 6

  • LU 5, LU 7, ST 40, BL 13, CV 17, LI 11

  • BL 43, L 13, LU 9, LU 10, KD 6, CV 17, CV 4

  • LU 7, LU 9, CV 6, BL 13, GV 12, ST 36


Question 23 of 157


According to the eight confluent points, which of the following combinations is the best for sore throat, pain in the chest and lung?

Select one of the following:

  • LU 7 & KD 6

  • SP 4 & PC 6

  • TB 5 & GB 41

  • SI 3 & BL 62


Question 24 of 157


Combination of LI 4 and KD 7 most often is used to treat

Select one of the following:

  • constipation

  • frontal headache

  • cough

  • sweating


Question 25 of 157


Foot Tai Yin- Spleen meridian is associated with which of the following EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • Heart

  • Esophagus

  • eye

  • lung


Question 26 of 157


The Foot Yang Ming - Stomach Luo Collateral connects to the following EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • Eye

  • Throat

  • nape

  • brain


Question 27 of 157


The internal pathway of the Foot Yang Ming- Stomach meridian starts at _________ then goes along the sides of the nose to the bridge.

Select one of the following:

  • Ala nasi

  • infraorbital ridge

  • supraclavicular fossa

  • stomach (the 'lower orifice'


Question 28 of 157


The Foot Tai Yin - Spleen and Foot Yang Ming- Stomach Divergent channels both separate at the

Select one of the following:

  • inguinal groove

  • thigh

  • throat

  • mouth


Question 29 of 157


The Yang Ming -Stomach meridian dominates disorders of

Select one of the following:

  • Qi

  • Bone

  • Blood

  • Vessels


Question 30 of 157


The Foot Yang Ming - Stomach meridian can be used to treat Dian Kuang syndrome (manic/depression) because this meridian

Select one of the following:

  • is considered a channel with 'abundant Qi and Blood.'

  • distributes Qi to the whole body.

  • regulates the body fluids.

  • all of the above.


Question 31 of 157


Which of the following Foot Yang Ming - Stomach Meridians connect to the sense organs of nose, eye, upper gum?

Select one of the following:

  • Foot Yang Ming - Luo Collateral

  • Foot Yang Ming- Divergent Channel

  • Foot Yang Ming - Tendinomuscular Channel

  • Foot Yang Ming - Stomach regular channel


Question 32 of 157


The Foot Tai Yin - Spleen Channel starts from the _____ side of the ____________toe.

Select one of the following:

  • lateral side of the big toe

  • medial side of the big toe

  • lateral side of the second toe

  • medial side of the second toe


Question 33 of 157


Which of the Foot Yang Ming - Stomach meridians begins on the three toes, follows the anterior aspect of the leg, binds above the genitals, binds at the hip and connects with spine, connects with the neck to join with the lower eyelid and in front of the ear?

Select one of the following:

  • Foot Yang Ming - Stomach Regular Channel

  • Foot Yang Ming - Stomach Divergent Channel

  • Foot Yang Ming - Tendinomuscular Channel

  • Foot Yang Ming - Luo Collateral


Question 34 of 157


The Foot Tai Yin - Spleen Regular meridian can be used to treat channel disorders and organ disorders EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • head, face and sense organ disorder

  • dampness in the channels

  • Stomach and Spleen disorders

  • Water retention and dampness


Question 35 of 157


A 32-year-old female manifested with multiple mouth sores with redness around the ulcers. She has dry mouth and thirst with desire to drink cold fluids. Her tongue is red with thick yellow tongue coating. Her pulse is rapid.
Which of the following Foot Tai Yin- Spleen meridians and Foot Yang Ming- Stomach meridians connects to the mouth?

Select one of the following:

  • Regular Channel

  • Divergent Channel

  • Luo Collateral

  • Great Luo Collateral


Question 36 of 157


A 32-year-old female manifested with multiple mouth sores with redness around the ulcers. She has dry mouth and thirst with desire to drink cold fluids. Her tongue is red with thick yellow tongue coating. Her pulse is rapid.
Which of the following acupoint combinations is best to treat the above case?

Select one of the following:

  • SP 4, SP 6, SP 10, ST 40, GV 20, PC 6

  • SP 6, SP 2, ST 44, ST 4, LI 4, CV 24

  • ST 40, ST 45, LI 11, HT 7, GV 26, PC 7

  • ST 36, ST 40, SP 3, SP 6, SP 9, SP 21


Question 37 of 157


Deficiency of Spleen Yang can be a result of

Select one of the following:

  • Heart Fire Blazing Upward

  • Rebellious Stomach Qi

  • Stagnation of Liver QI

  • Deficiency of Spleen Qi


Question 38 of 157


Compared to deficiency of Spleen Qi, which of the following presentations is the characteristic of deficiency of Spleen Yang?

Select one of the following:

  • poor appetite

  • tiredness, shortness of breath

  • Feeling cold and cold limbs

  • weak pulse


Question 39 of 157


Which of the following groups of acupoints is the best choice for Spleen Qi Sinking pattern?

Select one of the following:

  • BL 20, BL 21, SP 3, ST 36 with moxa

  • GV 20, CV 6, CV 12, ST 36 with moxa

  • CV 12, ST 36, ST 37, SP 9 with moxa

  • GV 4, BL 20, BL 21, BL 23 with moxa


Question 40 of 157


Which of the following Yuan Source and He Sea (or Lower He Sea) acupoint combinations is best to treat a patient who is presenting with poor appetite, fatigue, weak limbs and loose stools, a pale tongue with a white coat and a weak pulse?

Select one of the following:

  • LI 4 & LI 22

  • LV 3 & GB 34

  • SP 3 & ST 36

  • KD 3 & BL 40


Question 41 of 157


Which of the following point combinations is best to treat Nausea and vomiting?

Select one of the following:

  • PC 6 & SP 4

  • ST 36 & LI 10

  • ST 25 & TB 6

  • KD 6 & LU 7


Question 42 of 157


A patient has prolonged and profuse menstrual bleeding with light red blood. She also has no appetite, loose stools, fatigue, pale tongue, thready and weak pulse, which indicates

Select one of the following:

  • Blood Heat

  • Spleen Qi Deficiency

  • Spleen Yang Deficiency

  • Spleen Qi deficient not controlling blood


Question 43 of 157


A patient manifested with fullness and distention pain in the epigastrium, no appetite, sour regurgitation, foul breath, nausea and vomiting undigested food.
Which of the following patterns did the patient have?

Select one of the following:

  • Stomach Fire

  • Stomach Yin Deficiency

  • Cold invading stomach

  • Retention of food in the stomach


Question 44 of 157


A patient manifested with fullness and distention pain in the epigastrium, no appetite, sour regurgitation, foul breath, nausea and vomiting undigested food.
Which of the following tongue and pulse combinations relate to this patient's condition?

Select one of the following:

  • Purple body with thin white coating and choppy pulse

  • Thick, sticky coating and slippery pulse

  • Red body with thick, yellow coating and rapid pulse

  • Red body without coating, rapid and thready pulse


Question 45 of 157


Three days after walking in the rain, a 50-year-old man begins to feel abdominal distention, lack of appetite, body heaviness and loose stools. His tongue is pale with sticky white coat and his pulses are tight and soggy (Ru Mai). What is the pattern diagnosis of this case?

Select one of the following:

  • Deficiency of Spleen Qi

  • Deficiency of Spleen Yang

  • Damp-heat attacking the Spleen

  • Cold-damp attacking the Spleen


Question 46 of 157


which of the following point combinations is best to treat constipation?

Select one of the following:

  • ST 40 & SP 4

  • ST 36 & LI 10

  • ST 25 & TB 6

  • KD 6 & LU 7


Question 47 of 157


A 35-year-old male manifested with distending pain in the epigastrium which was aggravated by pressure and after meals, belching with foul odor, and poor appetite. His tongue coating was thick and sticky. His pulse was full and slippery. Which of the following acupoint combinations is best for this patient?

Select one of the following:

  • LV 14, CV 12, PC 6, ST 36

  • LV 3, LI 4, ST 44, ST 36

  • CV 11, PC 6, ST 21, Inner-Neiting (extra)

  • CV 12, CV 6, BL 20, ST 36


Question 48 of 157


Which of the following acupoints is BEST for acute excess type of epigastric pain?

Select one of the following:

  • ST 25

  • ST 34

  • ST 36

  • ST 44


Question 49 of 157


A patient manifested with sudden and severe pain in the epigastrium which can be relieved by application of warmth and aggravated by cold and pressure, nausea and vomiting, a pale tongue with white coating and a slow and wiry pulse, which indicate

Select one of the following:

  • Cold invading the stomach

  • Retention of food in the stomach

  • Spleen Qi deficiency

  • Spleen Yang deficiency


Question 50 of 157


Which of the following points is commonly used to treat jaundice due to Damp-heat?

Select one of the following:

  • CV 9

  • GV 9

  • LI 11

  • ST 36


Question 51 of 157


Moxa which of the following points to stop heavy uterine bleeding?

Select one of the following:

  • SP 1

  • SP 6

  • SP 4

  • LV 8


Question 52 of 157


Hand Shao Yin- Heart meridian is associated with which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • eye system

  • esophagus (throat)

  • lung

  • All of the above


Question 53 of 157


The Hand Shao Yin- Heart Luo Collateral connects to the following EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • Pericardium

  • eyes

  • mouth

  • root of the tongue


Question 54 of 157


The Hand Tai Yang - Small Intestine meridian's internal main branch starts from the _____________ and enters the body cavity and connects with the Heart.

Select one of the following:

  • axillary fossa

  • supraclavicular fossa

  • chest

  • diaphragm


Question 55 of 157


The Hand Tai Yang - Small intestine Divergent channel separates at

Select one of the following:

  • SI 7

  • SI 9

  • SI 10

  • SI 12


Question 56 of 157


Which of the following meridians has the function of regulating body fluids (Ye) and dominates the disorders of the body fluids (Ye)?

Select one of the following:

  • Hand Shao Yin Heart Meridian

  • Hand Tai Yang Small intestine

  • Hand Tai Yin Lung Meridian

  • Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine meridian


Question 57 of 157


Which of the following is the Luo Connecting point of Hand Tai Yang- Small Intestine?

Select one of the following:

  • SI 3

  • SI 5

  • SI 6

  • SI 7


Question 58 of 157


The Hand Shao Yin - Heart Divergent Channel separates at the

Select one of the following:

  • vertex

  • axillary fossa

  • mastoid process

  • inner canthus


Question 59 of 157


Which of the following is NOT the organ disorder that relates to Hand Shao Yin- Heart meridian?

Select one of the following:

  • Breast disorders

  • heart & lung disorders

  • mental and emotional disorders

  • Digestive disorders


Question 60 of 157


Which of the following Tendinomuscular channels ends at umbilicus?

Select one of the following:

  • Hand Shao Yin - Heart meridian

  • Hand Tai Yang - Small Intestine Meridian

  • Hand Tai Yin - Lung Meridian

  • Hand Yang Ming- Large Intestine


Question 61 of 157


The Luo connecting point of the Hand Tai Yang Small Intestine Channel combines with LI 11, LI 4, SP 10, and HT 7 to best treat which of the following disorders?

Select one of the following:

  • Skin disorders

  • Wei syndrome

  • common cold

  • All of the above


Question 62 of 157


A patient manifested with palpitations, insomnia, irritability, ulceration of the tongue, a red tongue and a rapid pulse which indicates

Select one of the following:

  • Heart Fre blazing upward

  • Heart Yin deficiency

  • Heart Blood Deficiency

  • Phlegm Fire harassing the heart


Question 63 of 157


A 37-year-old female had been suffering from insomnia and numbness in both hands. She also experienced dry eyes and blurred vision. Her face and tongue were pale. Her pulses were thready.
The patient is having a ____________ pattern.

Select one of the following:

  • Qi deficiency

  • Yang deficiency

  • Blood Deficiency

  • Yin Deficiency


Question 64 of 157


A 37-year-old female had been suffering from insomnia and numbness in both hands. She also experienced dry eyes and blurred vision. Her face and tongue were pale. Her pulses were thready.
However, the patient didn't receive any treatment until 4 months later when she complained that she felt colder and had to wear more clothing than others around her. She also had diarrhea recently. What kind of pattern had the patient developed?

Select one of the following:

  • Qi deficiency

  • Yang Deficiency

  • Blood Deficiency

  • Yin deficiency


Question 65 of 157


Which of the following point combination is best for Heart Qi deficiency?

Select one of the following:

  • CV 14, BL 15, BL 17, HT 7, PC 6

  • CV 14, BL 15, KD 6, HT 7, PC 6

  • BL 15, HT 5, CV 4, CV 6 with moxa

  • BL 15, HT 5, CV 17, CV 6, PC 6


Question 66 of 157


Heart Yang deficiency is most likely associated with which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • Liver Qi stagnation

  • Lung Yin Deficiency

  • Spleen Qi deficiency

  • Kidney Yang Deficiency


Question 67 of 157


A patient manifested with palpitations, anxiety, insomnia with a lot of dreams, poor memory, dizziness, pale lips and face, pale tongue body and thready pulse. What is the TCM pattern

Select one of the following:

  • Heart Qi deficiency

  • Heart Blood deficiency

  • Heart Yang deficiency

  • Heart Yin Deficiency


Question 68 of 157


Which of the following signs and symptoms are related to Heart Yang collapse

Select one of the following:

  • Heart Qi and Heart Yang deficiency signs and symptoms

  • profuse cold sweating

  • short tongue body

  • all of the above


Question 69 of 157


which of the following symptoms indicate Heart Fire transmitting to the Small Intestine?

Select one of the following:

  • irritability

  • ulceration of the tongue and mouth

  • painful urination and scanty urine

  • red tongue body


Question 70 of 157


Which of the following is the key characteristic of Phlegm Fire Harassing the Heart?

Select one of the following:

  • anxiety

  • palpitation

  • aggressive and violent behavior

  • asthma and cough


Question 71 of 157


Which of the following pulses best indicate Heart Blood deficiency?

Select one of the following:

  • Choppy and wiry

  • Thready and weak

  • slippery and thready

  • all of the above


Question 72 of 157


Which of the following best describes the combination of CV 14 and BL 15?

Select one of the following:

  • Front Mu point and Back Shu point combination

  • Yuan Source point and back Shu point combination

  • Yuan source point and Luo connecting point combination

  • all of the above


Question 73 of 157


Which of the following is NOT the sign of Heart Yin deficiency?

Select one of the following:

  • night sweating

  • malar flush

  • palpitations

  • pale face


Question 74 of 157


Which of the following is NOT a sign of Qi deficiency?

Select one of the following:

  • Shortness of breath

  • Spontaneous sweating

  • red face

  • weak voice


Question 75 of 157


Which of the following is NOT a sign of Phlegm Misting the Heart?

Select one of the following:

  • irritability, restlessness

  • rattling sound in the throat

  • white-sticky tongue coating

  • incoherent speech


Question 76 of 157


Which of the following pulses best indicate Heart Blood Stasis?

Select one of the following:

  • Slippery and thready

  • thready and weak

  • choppy and wiry

  • all of the above


Question 77 of 157


Which of the following is NOT a sign or symptom of Kidney failing to receive Qi?

Select one of the following:

  • Cough and asthma

  • shortness of breath

  • difficulty on exhalation

  • soreness & weakness of back and knees


Question 78 of 157


A 35-year-old male has suffered from frequent and urgent urination. He had fever and thirst without desire to drink. He had difficult urination with burning sensation. His urine was turbid and yellow. He also had lower back pain and abdominal distention. His tongue was red with yellow and sticky coating. What is the pattern diagnosis?

Select one of the following:

  • Damp-Heat in the Spleen

  • Damp-Heat in the Urinary bladder

  • Damp-Heat in the Liver and Gallbladder

  • Small Intestine Heat transmitted down from the Heart


Question 79 of 157


A 35-year-old male has experienced soreness of back in the past year. When he was under stress, he had insomnia and dizziness. He also had 5-Palm heat and seminal emission. He felt thirst. His tongue was red but with less coating. What do you expect his pulse to be?

Select one of the following:

  • Rapid and floating

  • rapid and slippery

  • rapid and forceful

  • rapid and Thready


Question 80 of 157


A 35-year-old male has experienced soreness of back in the past year. When he was under stress, he had insomnia and dizziness. He also had 5-Palm heat and seminal emission. He felt thirst. His tongue was red but with less coating.
What is your pattern diagnosis for the patient's condition?

Select one of the following:

  • Kidney Yin deficiency

  • Kidney Yang deficiency

  • Kidney Essence deficiency

  • Kidney Qi not firm


Question 81 of 157


A 50-year-old male had chronic nephritis for more than 5 years. His lower limb swelling has gotten worse since last winter. He had soreness and cold sensation of the lower back. He had difficult urination. His face was pale. His spirit was dull. He had cold limbs and loose stools. his tongue was white and swollen. His pulse was deep and slow, especially on the Chi position. What is your pattern diagnosis of this patient?

Select one of the following:

  • Kidney Yin Deficiency

  • Kidney Yang deficiency

  • Kidney essence deficiency

  • kidney Qi not firm


Question 82 of 157


A 40-year-old female has stopped menstruating for about one year. She has experienced hair falling out, low back soreness and loose teeth. Her memory was poor. Her tongue body was thin. Her pulse was thready and weak. Which of the following patterns did this patient have?

Select one of the following:

  • Kidney Yin deficiency

  • Kidney Yang deficiency

  • Kidney Essence deficiency

  • Kidney Qi not firm


Question 83 of 157


Which of the following is the influential point (Hui -meeting point) of Bone?

Select one of the following:

  • BL 11

  • GB 39

  • GB 34

  • BL 17


Question 84 of 157


Which of the following point combinations is best for Kidney Yang deficiency?

Select one of the following:

  • BL 23, BL 52, KD 3, KD 7, KD 13, CV 4 & CV6 with Moxa

  • BL 23, KD 3, DK 6, GV 4, GV 20, GB 39, BL 11

  • BL 23, BL 13, ST 36, KD 3, KD 7, KD 25, GV 12, GV 4 with moxa

  • KD 3, KD 6, LU 7, SP 6, CV 4, KD 10


Question 85 of 157


a 30-year-old female has suffered from sore throat for more than 2 months. She had 5-palm heat and malar flush. She had insomnia and dry mouth and throat. Her tongue was red and had a thin coating. Her pulse was thready and rapid. Which of the following point combinations is best for her sore and dry throat?

Select one of the following:

  • KD 6 & LU 7

  • SP 4 & PC 6

  • TB 5 & GB 41

  • LU 7 & LI 4


Question 86 of 157


Which of the following is the front Mu and Back Shu point combination to regulate urination?

Select one of the following:

  • KD 3 & CV 3

  • KD 3 & BL 23

  • CV 3 & BL 28

  • CV 6 & BL 23


Question 87 of 157


Which of the following point combinations is best to promote urination?

Select one of the following:

  • SP 9 & SP 6

  • BL 13 & BL 23

  • KD 3 & CV 3

  • KD 3 & KD 7


Question 88 of 157


Which of the following points is best to treat blood in the urine?

Select one of the following:

  • BL 23

  • BL 28

  • BlL 39

  • BL 63


Question 89 of 157


Foot Jue Yin Liver primary channel, Divergent Channel, Tendinomuscular Channel and Luo Collateral are associated with which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • External Genitalia

  • Throat

  • liver organ

  • Gall Bladder organ

  • All of the above


Question 90 of 157


Foot Jue Yin Liver primary Channel intersects with the Ren Channel at

Select one of the following:

  • CV 2

  • CV 3

  • CV 4

  • All of the above


Question 91 of 157


At the level of __________ cun above the medial malleolus, the Foot Jue Yin Liver Primary Channel crosses the Foot __________channel.

Select one of the following:

  • 6 cun/ Shao Yin Kidney Channel

  • 6 cun/ Tai Yin Spleen Channel

  • 8 cun/ Shao Yin Kidney Channel

  • 8 cun/ Tai Yin Spleen Channel


Question 92 of 157


Which of the following is Luo Point of Foot Jue Yin Liver Channel?

Select one of the following:

  • LV 4

  • LV 5

  • LV 6

  • LV 7


Question 93 of 157


The Hand Shao Yang San Jiao Divergent Channel separates at

Select one of the following:

  • vertex

  • axillary fossa

  • mastoid process

  • inner canthus


Question 94 of 157


Which of the following meridians' Luo Collateral does not connect to its paired channel?

Select one of the following:

  • Foot Jue Yin Liver meridian

  • Foot Shao Yang Gallbladder Meridian

  • Hand Jue Yin Pericardium meridian

  • Hand shao Yang San Jiao meridian


Question 95 of 157


Which of the following dominated disorders of Foot Shao Yang Gall Bladder Primary Channel?

Select one of the following:

  • Blood

  • Tendons

  • Bones

  • Body fluids


Question 96 of 157


The Gall Bladder Divergent Channel separates from

Select one of the following:

  • GB 39

  • GB 37

  • GB 34

  • GB 30


Question 97 of 157


GB 37 is best to treat which of the following disorders?

Select one of the following:

  • Eye disorders

  • Nose disorders

  • Skin disorders

  • Tongue disorders


Question 98 of 157


Which of the following meridians dominates disorders of Vessels?

Select one of the following:

  • Foot Jue Yin Liver Meridian

  • Foot Shao Yang Gallbladder Meridian

  • Hand Jue Yin Pericardium Meridian

  • Hand Shao Yang San Jiao Meridian


Question 99 of 157


Which of the following points is best to treat itching of external genitalia?

Select one of the following:

  • LV 1

  • LV 5

  • GB 1

  • GB 37


Question 100 of 157


According to the Five Shu Points theory, which of the following points on Foot Shao Yang Gallbladder Channel is best to clear heat and drain fire?

Select one of the following:

  • GB 38

  • GB 34

  • GB 41

  • GB 43


Question 101 of 157


A patient manifested with lower abdominal distending pain with a bearing down sensation in the testes, pain aggravated by cold and alleviated by warmth, a pale tongue with white coating, and a deep and wiry pulse, which indicates

Select one of the following:

  • Liver Qi stagnation

  • Stagnation of Liver Blood

  • Stagnation of Cold in the Liver Channel

  • Stagnation of Cold in the Liver Organ


Question 102 of 157


The following are signs of Liver Qi stagnation EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • a feeling of a lump in the throat (Plum Pit Qi)

  • fullness and distending pain of the hypochondrium

  • frequent sighing and hiccups

  • purplish tongue, wiry and choppy pulse


Question 103 of 157


Which of the following are the key points for Liver Blood Deficiency?

Select one of the following:

  • TB 6, TB 5, GB 41, GV 13

  • LV 8, CV 4, SP 6, ST 36, BL 17

  • LV 1, LV 3, LV 5, CV 3

  • LV 3, GB 20, LI 4, SP 6, KD 3


Question 104 of 157


Which of the following point combo is best for hypochondriac pain?

Select one of the following:

  • LV 3 & PC 6

  • LV 3 & GB 41

  • TB 6 & GB 34

  • LV 14 & ST 36


Question 105 of 157


Which of the following point combinations is best to treat muscle spasms, pain and a pulling sensation and distending of external genitalia?

Select one of the following:

  • SP 4 & PC 6

  • LV 3 & BL 18

  • LV 1 & LV 5

  • SP 10 & BL 17


Question 106 of 157


A patient manifested with fullness and pain of hypochondriac area, bitter taste, dry throat, a dislike of greasy foods, nausea and a red tongue with sticky yellow coating, which indicates

Select one of the following:

  • Liver Qi stagnation

  • Liver invading stomach

  • Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder Organs

  • Damp Heat in the liver and Gallbladder Meridians


Question 107 of 157


Which of the following point combinations is best to move blood?

Select one of the following:

  • SP 4 & PC 6

  • LV 3 & BL 18

  • LV 1 & LV 5

  • SP 10 & BL 17


Question 108 of 157


Which of the following points is best to treat wind?

Select one of the following:

  • LV 1

  • LV 5

  • GB 20

  • GB 39


Question 109 of 157


A 60-year-old male had suffered form headache (throbbing in nature) and dizziness for over 10 years. He had tinnitus and blurred vision. He woke up early in the morning and had dry mouth and throat. He had a propensity for angry outbursts. His tongue was red with less coating. His pulse was wiry and thready. What is your pattern diagnosis?

Select one of the following:

  • Liver Fire Blazing

  • Liver Yang Rising

  • Liver Blood Deficiency

  • Liver Qi Stagnation


Question 110 of 157


A 58-year-old male experienced a facial tic for two days. He had severe dizziness and headache. He had suffered from lower back pain and knee soreness. he had a bad temper. He had numbness in his legs. He was diagnosed with hypertension by his medical doctor ten years ago. Which of the following patterns applies to this patient?

Select one of the following:

  • Liver Yang Rising generating Wind

  • Liver Blood deficiency Generating Wind

  • Extreme Heat generating Wind

  • Liver Blood Stasis


Question 111 of 157


Which of the following is NOT the precursor pattern or the cause of Liver Wind?

Select one of the following:

  • Extreme Heat

  • Liver Yang Rising

  • Liver Blood stagnation

  • Stagnation of Cold in the Liver Channel


Question 112 of 157


A 25-year-old female had suffered form hypochondriac pain and breast distension a week before her menstruation. She experienced mood swings and had cold extremities. Her pulse was wiry, especially on the left guan position. What is your pattern diagnosis?

Select one of the following:

  • Liver Qi Stagnation

  • Liver Fire Blazing

  • Liver Blood Deficiency

  • Liver Yang Rising


Question 113 of 157


The Foot Shao Yin Kidney Regular Channel is associated with which of the following organs EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • Spleen

  • Heart

  • Lung

  • Liver


Question 114 of 157


The Foot Shao Yin Kidney Regular Channel is distributed mainly on the following areas EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • Medioposterior aspect of the lower extremities

  • spinal column

  • throat

  • tongue

  • shoulder


Question 115 of 157


The Foot Shao Yin Kidney Regular Channel internal pathway ends

Select one of the following:

  • Below the clavicle

  • Spinal column

  • Coccyx

  • In the chest and connects with the Hand Jue Yin Pericaridum Meridian


Question 116 of 157


The Foot Shao Yin Kidney Divergent Channel connects with which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • Kidney Organ

  • Urinary Bladder Organ

  • Dai Channel

  • Root of the tongue

  • All of the above


Question 117 of 157


Which of the following is the Luo Connecting point of the Foot Shao Yin Kidney Channel?

Select one of the following:

  • KD 2

  • KD 4

  • KD 5

  • KD 6


Question 118 of 157


The foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder Regular Channel intersects with all of the following points EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • GV 4

  • GV 14

  • GV 20

  • GV 24

  • GB 30


Question 119 of 157


The Foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder Channel dominates which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • Vessels

  • Blood

  • Bone

  • Tendons and ligaments


Question 120 of 157


Which of the following is NOT the excess type pathology of Foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder Luo Collateral?

Select one of the following:

  • retention of urine

  • Nasal obstruction

  • headache

  • back pain


Question 121 of 157


The Foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder Tendinomuscular Channel ends at the

Select one of the following:

  • nape

  • Throat

  • nose

  • eye


Question 122 of 157


Where do the Foot Shao Yin Kidney Divergent Channel and Foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder Divergent Channel converge with the Foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder Regular Channel?

Select one of the following:

  • Popliteal fossa

  • nape

  • scapula

  • nose


Question 123 of 157


Which tendinomuscular Channel treats convulsions and spasms associated with epilepsy?

Select one of the following:

  • The Foot Jue Yin Liver Tendinomuscular Channel

  • The Foot Shao Yang Gallbladder Tendinomuscular Channel

  • The Foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder Tendinomuscular Channel

  • The Foot Shao Yin Kidney Tendinomuscular Channel


Question 124 of 157


Which of the following Luo Collaterals treats mental restlessness, depression, retention of urine, pain in the heart region and epigastric disorders?

Select one of the following:

  • The Hand Jue Yin Luo Collateral of Pericardium

  • The Hand Shao Yin Luo Collateral of Heart

  • The Foot Shao Yin Luo Collateral of Kidney

  • The Food Tai Yang Luo Collateral Urinary Bladder


Question 125 of 157


A patient comes into your office complaining of difficulty falling asleep. The Most likely diagnosis is:

Select one of the following:

  • Heat

  • Yin deficiency

  • Blood deficiency

  • None of the Above


Question 126 of 157


A patient comes into your office complaining of fatigue. On further investigation you discover that the patient has a bowel movement once every two or three days with no discomfort in between. The stool is soft. The most likely diagnosis is:

Select one of the following:

  • Blood deficiency

  • Qi stagnation

  • Lung Dryness

  • Qi deficiency


Question 127 of 157


A patient comes into your office complaining of fatigue. She says she has more energy when she exercises, but hasn't had time lately. Her fatigue is most likely due to:

Select one of the following:

  • Qi stagnation

  • Qi deficiency

  • Yang stagnation

  • Yang deficiency


Question 128 of 157


Which of the following is a common mechanism by which Lung pathologies cause constipation?

Select one of the following:

  • The Lung (metal) over controls the Liver (wood), resulting in Qi constraint

  • The Lung fails to disseminate fluid to the Large Intestine, resulting in dryness

  • The Lung is the receptacle of phlegm, which indicates a Spleen pathology

  • The Lung is deficient, resulting in an inability of the Wei Qi to open the anus.


Question 129 of 157


The brain is the sea of:

Select one of the following:

  • Blood

  • Qi

  • Essence

  • Marrow


Question 130 of 157


Hair is the surplus of

Select one of the following:

  • Blood

  • Qi

  • Essence

  • Marrow


Question 131 of 157


Generally speaking, progression of a disease from Yin to Yang indicates improvement. Which of the following is an example of this?

Select one of the following:

  • Facial color and sheen moving from superficial to deep

  • Facial color and sheen moving from clear to turbid

  • Facial color and sheen moving from accumulated to diffuse

  • Facial color and sheen moving from shiny to withered


Question 132 of 157


Kidney pathologies will not tend to manifest in which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • Body Hair

  • Head hair

  • Teeth

  • Bones


Question 133 of 157


Which of the following types of facial redness will most likely result from Yin deficiency?

Select one of the following:

  • Flushes easily, even redness that disappears quickly

  • Flushes easily, uneven redness that disappears slowly

  • Doesn't flush easily, even redness that disappears slowly

  • Doesn't flush easily, uneven redness that disappears quickly


Question 134 of 157


Which of the following types of abnormal sweat would most likely result from damp heat?

Select one of the following:

  • Night sweats

  • Cold sweats

  • Sweating only from the head

  • Sweating with little or no exertion


Question 135 of 157


The simplest explanation for the presence of damp in the body is:

Select one of the following:

  • Qi deficiency

  • Yang deficiency

  • Spleen and Kidney deficiency

  • Stagnation


Question 136 of 157


Hemorrhoids are caused by

Select one of the following:

  • Spleen Qi fall

  • Spleen not holding the blood

  • Heat and Blood stasis

  • Internal Wind


Question 137 of 157


A person with a thin pulse is most likely deficient in what substance?

Select one of the following:

  • Qi

  • Blood

  • Fluids

  • Phlegm


Question 138 of 157


A person with a forceless pulse is most likely deficient in what substance?

Select one of the following:

  • Qi

  • Blood

  • Fluids

  • Phlegm


Question 139 of 157


Which of the following pulses is not by definition deficient?

Select one of the following:

  • Weak

  • Thready

  • Deep

  • Soggy


Question 140 of 157


Which of the following pulses is not in the rapid category (6 category system) indicates heat?

Select one of the following:

  • Skipping

  • Stirring

  • Flooding

  • Hollow


Question 141 of 157


Which of the following best describes the relationship between Qi and Blood that creates the wiry pulse?

Select one of the following:

  • Qi constricts the vessel, causing the pulse to elongate and tighten

  • Qi moves the blood more forcefully, causing the pulse to pound

  • Blood is stagnant, causing the Qi to constrict and the pulse to tighten

  • Blood is stagnant, causing the Qi to move more forcefully and the pulse to pound


Question 142 of 157


Tongue body shape most clearly indicates what in terms of 8 principles?

Select one of the following:

  • Excess/Deficient

  • Interior/Exterior

  • Hot/Cold

  • Upper/ Lower


Question 143 of 157


A person with a thin, pale tongue is most likely deficient in what substance?

Select one of the following:

  • Blood

  • Qi

  • Fluids

  • Cold


Question 144 of 157


A puffy tongue most directly indicates which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • Qi deficiency

  • Yang deficiency

  • Damp

  • Blood stasis


Question 145 of 157


What Zang/Fu diagnosis best fits a thin and narrow tongue that has an overall red color?

Select one of the following:

  • Stomach fire

  • Heart Yin deficiency

  • Liver Yang rising

  • Kidney Yin deficiency


Question 146 of 157


A person with a rapid , thin and floating pulse would most likely have which of the following tongues?

Select one of the following:

  • Thin, narrow, red, and cracked

  • Puffy with a thick yellow coat

  • Swollen, scalloped, moist and quivering

  • Thin, pale and dry


Question 147 of 157


A person with a puffy, pale and moist tongue would most likely have which of the following pulses?

Select one of the following:

  • Weak

  • Deficient

  • Moderate

  • Floating


Question 148 of 157


Which of the following is Not the initial pathogenic factor cause for Bi syndrome?

Select one of the following:

  • Qi and Blood stasis

  • Cold

  • Dampness

  • WInd


Question 149 of 157


Which of the following symptoms are associated with Cold Bi syndrome?

Select one of the following:

  • Pain moving form joint to joint

  • Fixed pain with soreness, heaviness, numbness and swelling of joints

  • Severe pain in one joint or muscle with limitation of movement

  • Very severe pain, hot-red-swollen joints


Question 150 of 157


Which of the following is the characteristic of Fixed Bi syndrome?

Select one of the following:

  • Soreness and pain that moves from joint to joint

  • Severe pain of the joints and limbs

  • Heaviness, numbness and soreness of the limbs and joints

  • Painful joints with redness and swelling


Question 151 of 157


In comparing Bi Syndrome and Wei syndrome, Wei syndrome has which characteristic?

Select one of the following:

  • Related to the weather changes

  • Painful muscles and joints of the four limbs

  • Weakness of the limbs and muscle atrophy

  • Weakness of the limbs with limitation of movement and impairment of sensitivity


Question 152 of 157


Which of the following groups of points can be used for Wind-Damp-Heat Bi (Heat bi)?

Select one of the following:

  • GB 20, GV 14, BL 17, SP 10

  • BL 23, CV 4, GV 14, BL 12

  • GV 14, LI 11, LI 4, ST 43

  • SP 9, SP 5, ST 36, BL 20


Question 153 of 157


What are the treatment principles for Wind Bi?

Select one of the following:

  • Expel the Wind, unblock obstruction from the channels and collaterals, scatter the cold and eliminate dampness

  • Warm channels and collaterals, dispel the Cold, expel the Wind and eliminate dampness

  • Eliminate dampness, unblock the channels and collaterals, expel wind and dispel Cold

  • Clear heat, drain dampness, expel the Wind and active blood circulation


Question 154 of 157


Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of Chronic Bi due to QI and Blood deficiency?

Select one of the following:

  • Fatigue, dizziness and insomnia

  • Intermittent joint pain with difficulty in movement

  • Joint pain is not affected by weather changes

  • Thready and weak pulse


Question 155 of 157


Which of the following point combination is best to treat Damp Bi?

Select one of the following:

  • BL 23, CV 4, GV 14, BL 12

  • SP 9, SP 5, ST 36, BL 20

  • BL 17, SP 10, GV 14, GB 20

  • GV 14, LI 11, LI 4, ST 43


Question 156 of 157


Which of the following point combinations is best to treat Chronic Bi due to phlegm accumulation and blood stasis?

Select one of the following:

  • GV 14, LI 11, LI 4, ST 43

  • ST 36, ST 40, CV 12, BL 17, SP 10, PC 6

  • BL 17, SP 10, GV 14, GB 20

  • ST 36, SP 6, GB 39, BL 17, BL 18, BL 20


Question 157 of 157


The combination of points GB 20, GV 14, BL 17 and SP 10 can be used to treat which of the following patterns of Bi syndrome?

Select one of the following:

  • Wandering Bi

  • Painful Bi

  • Fixed Bi

  • All of the above
