Created by Wheels “Wheelsdavis"
over 8 years ago
Explain the term biased in reference to research
What is a Census?
What is cohabitation?
What does the term correlation mean:?
The extent to which findings of a survey are applicable to a wider population is known as...?
Explain the term 'glass ceiling'
What is informal care?
What is the term for when someone has been given the facts about the research to be carried out and on this basis has agreed to take part?
What is macro research?
What is micro research?
What is 'objective' research?
What is qualitative data?
What is quantitative data?
Explain the term 'quota sampling'
Explain the term 'recession'
What is relatability?
The extent to which a measurement yields the same answer each time it is used is known as...
Information used by a researcher but collected by someone else is known as...
What is the term for the decline in religious beliefs, religious behaviour and the role of the church?
People are living longer due to improvements in diet, health care and education. What is this called?
What are statutory services?
What is the selection of subjects in proportion to the numbers of a group from a sampling data known as?
What is 'subjective' research?
What is the third sector also known as?
What is the view we have of ourselves called?
Describe the term 'unethical'?
The extent to which a measurement truly reflects the phenomenon being studied. Refers to the quality of research results. This is known as....?
What are voluntary organisations?
When the researcher becomes part of the group being studied. This is known as...?
Name two methods often used to test public opinion