Created by Maya Khangura
almost 9 years ago
What can be classed as Henry's early and middle years?
What was Henrys approach to government in this period?
Which group did the work for Henry?
What consequence did this have on his style of government?
What happened with Henry and Parliament why?
Before the 1530's what was there little to suggest?that Henry VIII’s view of the role of Parliament differed from his fathers
What two main functions of the parliament remained?
What could the Parliaments also do?
Before 1529 how many times had Henry summoned his parliament? (years)
What was his first ministers opinion of parliament?
What years was Wolsey's period of dominance?
When was the first parliament called and why?
When was the second parliament called and why?
When was the third parliament called and why?
When was the fourth parliament called and why?
When was the fifth parliament called and why?
When was the sixth parliament called and why?
When was the seventh parliament called and why?
When was the eighth parliament called and why?
When was the ninth parliament called and why?
What is evident that Henry used parliament for in the first part of his reign?
What was different to Wolsey's and Cromwell's approach to parliament?
What is the conciliar approach to government?
When was this adopted until in Henry's reign?
What factors ended the conciliar approach? (4)
Why was Henry annoyed at some of his fathers senior councillors?
Who emerged as a dominant figure at the end- why? (3)
What were Wolsey's main concerns? (5)
What was the Privy chamber before?
When was the Privy Chamber established?
What process transformed the status of the Privy Chamber during Henry VII's reign?
What was clear about the privy chamber?
What did Wolsey do to combat this?
Was this successful?
What did the Privy Chamber retain?
What years was the domestic policy under Wolsey's influence?
What were key parts of this?
What is a chancery?
What was Wolsey's role?
What did he have the right to do? (2)
What did he use the courts to do?
What was the main problem with the court of Chancery?
What was the court of star chamber regarded as?
When was established, what by, what was it?
What did it become?
What did Wolsey do to the chamber, what was his motive-why?
What did he also encourage- was it successful?
What did he have to set up because of this? (2- one year)
What was this committee?
What was expected under Henry VIII?
How was this most effectively achieved?
What are subsidies?
What did Wolsey do with subsides?
How did he change the way subsidies were collected?
Why did Wolsey stop using local commissioners to assess taxpayers’ wealth?
What did Wolsey do in his committee- what was the impact?
What was Wolsey able to do by using this method- but what was wrong with this?
What did Wolsey have to do to raise sufficient funds?
What form of unparliamentary taxation did he use? When was it implemented?
What were the Amicable Grants?
How was the Amicable Grant implemented?
What did the Amicable Grant lead to?
What is an example of Wolsey not managing Parliament well?
When were the Eltham Ordinances introduced ?
Why were the Eltham Ordinances introduced ?
What was Wolsey able to do?
What else did he manage to get rid of?
What was his name- who did Wolsey replace him with?
What is the role of the Groom of Stool?
What was the main purpose of the Ordinaces? (2)
What led to the downfall of Wolsey in the short term?
What did this lead to in the long term?
Who was this brought about by? (year)
What was part of the King's great matter?
What did Henry even consider??!!
What else contributed to his Great Matter?
Who was Anne Boleyn?
What was Anne's problem?
What did Henry need Wolsey to do?
What did this do to Wolsey?
What was Henry able to do?
What was this justification?
What would the pope have done under normal circumstances?
Why could he not do this?
What did Wolsey do with his power as the personal representative of the Pope? (Date)
What did Catherine do with this verdict?
What is Canon Law?
What was Wolsey aware of?
What was the pope aware of?
What did the pope do- after how many years? Who was involved?
When did the hearing start?
When did Campeggio adjourn it?
What did this secure?
Why was Wolsey's fall not unexpected?
What was Wolsey charged with- when?
When was he arrested?
What happened before his trial
What lasted for 3 year after Wolsey?
Who brought the phase of conciliar government to an end?
What had Cromwell done?
What two factors were key in him having the position?(2)
When did he become the Kings Chief Minister?
How were both the divorce and break from Rome accomplished?
What were key weaknesses of the church?
Who had the Church's claims to legal supremacy been challenged by? What year?
What did Christopher St German do?
What was the Collectanea Satis Coposia?
What was the significance of Henry seeking expert opinions on his marriage?
What measure of pressuring the pope happened in 1531?
What was the significance?
What measure of pressuring the pope happened in 1532?
What was the significance?
What measure of pressuring the pope happened in 1532?
What was the significance?
What measure of pressuring the pope happened in 1532?
What was the significance?
What was Anne's role in the annulment issue?
What would happen if Anne was to become pregnant?
How was Henry's situation eased? (Name)
Who was he replaced with- why was this good?
When did Anne fall pregnant?
When did Henry and Anne marry?
When was Henry's marriage annulled?
When was her child born- name?
What were the dates for Acts of Parliaments?
What did Cromwell do from 1533?
When were the 4 Acts?
When was the Act of restraint and appeals created?
What was it founded on?
What did it entail? (2)
What did this mean in terms of Henry's divorce?
When was the act of suppression passed?
What did entail? (4)
When was the Act of Sucession past?
What did it entail? (3)
When was the Act of Treason created?
What did it entail?
Who was a victim of this- when did they die?
When was this act passed?
What did it entail?
What effect did this have on the clergy?
What effect did this have on the monarchy?
When did the relationship between England and rome end?
How did the supremacy come about?
What effect did this have on the parliament?
What did this mean for religious policies?
What was the most important act?
When did it begin and when was it completed?
What did it ensure?
What effect did this have on the crown? (short term and long term)
What was Anne Boleyn considered to be at first- why?
What was Cromwell's and Anne's relationship like?
What did Cromwell do?
When was she executed?
When did Catherine of Aragon die?
Who did Henry want to marry next?
What was happening in 1540?
What was the main reason for his downfall?
When did Jane Seymour die?
What did Cromwell try to and reconcile with Henry?- what year?
What was the League of Schmaldik?
Why was this an unhappy partnership?
What happened with the marriage?
What did this do to Cromwell?
What did this enable others to do?
What was Cromwell accused of and when was he executed?
What did Henry do on the same day?
What is considered to be Henry's last years?
The major political implecation of the conservative revival of 1539 to 1540?
What did the fall of Cromwell see?
In 1540 who did power lay with?
What did Norfolk do in his eagerness for Henry to marry Katherine?
What was Katherine also accused of?
When was she executed?
What happened to Norfolk?
Who did Henry marry after?
What did Norfolk try and do with her- why?
Why did political rivalries intensify in Henry's later years?
What was an example of this?
What advantage did Edward Seymour have?
What contributed to Norfolk's downfall?
What did Henry do about Norfolk?
When did Henry die?
What were Cromwell's successes?
What were Cromwell's successes?
What were Cromwell's failures?
Conclusion about cromwell