Created by Kristen Dempsey
over 8 years ago
Factors influencing the location of a factory.
~Raw materials ~Labour Force ~Markets ~Services
~Transport facilities ~Capital
~Government/EU policy
~Personal Preferences
Light industry: the products being made are small and light. They are often located in industrial estates and they often produce electronic and healthcare products. Normally light industries are cleaner and less polluting then heavy industries. e.g Apple
Footloose industry
They are nit tied to one place, they are often located in industrial estates or business parks close to large cities. Sony Ireland is in Citywest Business Park Dublin, and Microsoft Ireland is in the Sandy ford Industrial Estate, Dublin.
Industrialised Regions (Developed)
USA, Europe, Japan and Australia these have become industrialised since the Industrial Revolution.
Industrially-emergent regions (Developing-slowly)
Little manufacturing takes place in these regions. they are mainly in sub-Saharan Africa, some parts of Asia and South America.q