Which of the following is a right to left shunt in the fetus?
ductus arteriosus
foramen ovale
foramen pulmonale
ductus venosus
portal sinus
Which of the following processes are involved in the early formation of the heart?
cranial-caudal folding
lateral body wall folding
ventral-dorsal folding
loop to the right
loop to the left
When does the partitioning of the atria and ventricles begin?
7 days
28 days
35 days
11 days
24 days
Which of the following are involved in the tetrology of Fallot?
pulmonary stenosis
left ventricular hypertropy
overriding aorta
total obstruction of aorta
right ventricular hypertropy
What is true about pericytes?
Found at fenestrated capillaries
Found at continuous capillaries
Serve as a stem or progenitor cell population
found in the basement membrane
sustain the blood brain barrier
What is true about Purkinje fibers?
They are found in the subendocardial layer of the heart
They are involved in slow conduction
They are associated with the contractile muscle cells
They have relative refractory
They are found in the myocardium
Where is the largest change in pressure?
small arteries
Which of the following is/are true about lymphatic vessels?
Large lymphatic vessels have more smooth muscle than large veins
Medium lymphatic vessels have more smooth muscle than medium veins
Large lymphatic vessels have valves
Lymphatic capillaries have valves
Lymphatic capillaries have smaller lumen than blood capillaries
Which of the following is correct about blood volume?
Most of the blood is in venous return
The skeletal muscles is the tissue with the most blood
The smallest amount of blood will be in cardiac circulation
The brain has the greatest share of blood
Blood contains most of the water content of our bodies
Which of the following have the greatest resistance to blood flow?
arteries and arterioles
capillaries and venules
Aorta and large arterioles
Large arterioles and large veins
None of the above
Which of the following is true?
Pulsatile flow can be found at the capillaries
Patent ductus occurs more often in males
Diastolic murmurs come from stenoses of any of the valves
Systole of ventricles and atria can overlap
Cardiac output is determined by heart rate x (EDV-ESV)
Which of the following things is/are true?
Frank Starling's thing is that ventricular force is proportional to volume of blood received
QRS is diastole
low T indicates hypokalemia, long QT is hypocalcemia
Contraction of the heart starts at the apex
Fast response of the heart has a relative refraction period
Which of the following is true
Veins have thicker tunica media
The tunica intima is thin in both veins and arteries, is elastic
The tunica externa is fibrous and loose
The tunica adventitia is thicker in veins than arteries
The tunica media has smooth muscle cells
Turbulence is typically associated with narrowing from blockage
Laminar flow is fastest at the periphery
Vessels in parallel have faster flow than vessels in series
Small changes in radius result in large changes in resistance and flow
Resistance and flow have an inverse relationship
What are some expected effects of exercise on the heart?
Increased venous return
Increased cardiac output
Reduced blood flow to other areas, skeletal muscle prioritized
Increased parasympathetic vasoconstriction
Localized vasodilation to selectively decrease peripheral resistance to increase flow