Created by Jonas Klint Westermann
over 8 years ago
Name the 7 components of skilled communication.
Name the three mediums, and explain them.
What are codes, and name an example.
What is noise? Give examples.
What is context?
Name three factors in relationship negotiation.
Name, and explain, the five knowledge schemas.
Examples of what people bring to social encounters as baggage.
What is emotional intelligence?
Name and explain the types of non-verbal communication (book)
Name and explain the types of non-verbal communication (article)
Explain difference between pitch, volume, intonation, stress
Explain the three circles of English as a lingua franca.
Name the four possible employee responses to switching to English.
Name the types of miscommunication.
Specific vs diffuse cultures.
Name the three important factors of self-disclosure.
Five step process to self-disclosure.
Communication strategy: Explain Grice's maxims.
Name the 6 specific listening strategies.
Two overall listening strategies.
What is reflection?
What is persuasion?
What is two-way persuasion called?
Name the six main purposes of pursuasion.
Consider the time aspect of persuasion success.
Effective team performance affected by what factors.
Explain the Johari window model.
Explain the ACE model.
What are open questions better at than closed?