Horses are designed to eat...
One big meal each day
Two smaller meals each day
The term colic means...
Gastrointestinal conditions which cause pain - as well as other causes of abdominal pain not involving the gastrointestinal tract.
A section of the gastrointestinal tract becoming twisted
If your horse gets strong or 'forward' you need to use a stronger bit
Yes, it's the only way to control your horse
No, that is a terrible idea
It's something you should only do if you feel comfortable with it and you have consulted a professionnal
Horses only need to be ridden once or twice a week to maintain their fitness
Lucerne hay should never be fed to...
Horses that get 'hot' or 'fizzy'
Horses/ponies with laminitis
Horses/ponies with Cushing's
Lucerne hay is pretty safe to be fed to most horses/ponies in moderation
Horses can easily digest 3+ kilos of grain in one meal
You always need to add salt to a horses diet
Yes, they all need salt added to their diets
No, horses don't need salt
They all need salt, but you may not need to add it to their diet, they may be getting it from pelleted feed or from another source
Proud flesh is...
A wound that won't heal because it hasn't been bandaged
A excessive growth of granulated tissue that has the appearance of cauliflower
Flesh with a big ego
A horse's normal body temperature is...
The same as ours, about 37 degrees Celsius / 98-99 degrees Fahrenheit
Horses are hot blooded, about 39 degrees Celsius / 102 degrees Fahrenheit
A bit higher than ours, about 37.5 degrees Celsius / 100 degrees Fahrenheit