Created by Olivia Gniadek
over 8 years ago
Define Weather
Define Climate
What are the 6 elements of weather, what units are they measured by and how the instruments measure the elements
List and Explain the 5 factors affecting temperature
Why does Adelaide have a cooler climate to Darwin
Elements of a synoptic chart
Define Atmosphere
What are the four layers of the Atmosphere
Facts about the Troposphere
Facts about the Stratosphere
Facts about the Mesosphere
Facts about Thermosphere
Gases in atmosphere and their composition in percentage
Define Insolation
What is the % of insolation absorbed by the earth and its atmosphere
What is the % of insolation that is reflected into space
What is the % of insolation absorbed by land, oceans, clouds and atmosphere
What is the % of insolation reflected back into space by the atmosphere, clouds and earth's surface
Define Albedo
What is the albedo of fresh snow and an ideal black surface
Define heat budget
What would happen if the amount of heat being absorbed and reflected by the Earth was unbalanced
Earth's Energy Budget
Define Urban Heat Island
Urban Heat Island Causes
Effects of UHI on weather, environment and global warming
How can the effects of UHI be minimised
Types of precipitation
The Water Cycle
Types of Rainfall
Convectional Rainfall
Frontal Rainfall
Orographic Rainfall
What is this...
How do sunspots affect climate change
How do Volcanoes affect climate change
How do Ice Ages affect climate change
How does solar activity (tilt, precession and orbit) affect climate change
How does the change in land and ocean floor topography affect climate change
What is El Nino
How does El Nino affect climate change
What is Anthropogenic deforestation
What is UHI
How do fossil fuels affect climate change
What is natural and anthropogenic
What is the difference between the Greenhouse Effect and the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect and what are their conditions
What are the greenhouse gases
Features of El Nino and La Nina
Results of the Microclimate study
Define Conflict
What are the causes of conflict
How can conflict affect wellbeing
What are the three ways to identify conflict cause, length and scale
Label the countries in the horn of Africa and their capitals
What is the social, economic and environmental impacts of conflict
Define Refugee and Asylum Seeker
Conflict investigation as a case study