Created by mad.maddie
over 8 years ago
China's water supply?
China's water demand?
Causes of China's strain on supply?
Consequences of China's high demand?
India's water supply
India's water demand?
Causes of India's water shortage?
Canada's water insecurity
Ethiopia's water insecurity
Causes of shrinking Aral Sea?
Environmental consequences of shrinking Aral Sea?
Social consequences of shrinking Aral Sea?
Players in shrinking Aral Sea?
What is Snowy Mountain Scheme - Australia?
Environmental consequences of SMS?
Social consequences of SMS?
Impact of water transfers on source area?
Impact of water transfers of receiving area?
River Ebro transfer project - Spain
Arguments for River Ebro Project
Arguments against River Ebro Project
Euphrates Basin Conflict
Consequences of Euphrates dam?
River Nile Conflict
River Nile - not conflict
Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)
Colorado River Compact 1922
Colorado River Conflict - environmental impacts
Colorado River Conflict - social impacts
Reliance on River Ganges?
Causes of strain on Ganges?
Consequences of Ganges pollution?
Ganges Action Plan 2000 (GAP)
3 Gorges Dam China
Social costs of 3 Gorges Dam
Social benefits of 3 Gorges Dam
Political costs of 3 Gorges Dam
Political benefits of 3 Gorges Dam
Economic costs of 3 Gorges Dam
Economic benefits of 3 Gorges Dam
Environmental costs of 3 Gorges Dam
Environmental benefits of 3 Gorges Dam
SNWTP - China
Social costs of SNWTP
Social benefits of SNWTP
Environmental costs of SNWTP
Environmental benefits of SNWTP
Economic costs of SNWTP
Political benefits of SNWTP
Desalination in California
Benefits of desalinisation
Costs of desalinisation
Cause of Saudi Arabia's water shortage
Success of Aral Sea Restoration
Social costs of Aral Sea Restoration
Social benefits of Aral Sea Restoration
Political costs of Aral Sea Restoration
Political benefits of Aral Sea Restoration
Environmental costs of Aral Sea Restoration
Environmental benefits of Aral Sea Restoration
Economic costs of Aral Sea Restoration
Economic benefits of Aral Sea Restoration