Khiem Manning
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

College US History Quiz on Chapter 20, created by Khiem Manning on 06/06/2016.

Khiem Manning
Created by Khiem Manning about 8 years ago

Chapter 20

Question 1 of 23


What were the issues supported by the Democratic Party in the Gilded Age?

Select one of the following:

  • lowering tariffs, transcontinental railroad

  • civil rights, encouraged economic growth

  • policies for the nation as a whole, governments an instrument to promote moral progress and material wealth

  • states' rights, decentralization, limited government, local and small government


Question 2 of 23


What were the issues supported by the Republican Party in the Gilded Age?

Select one or more of the following:

  • states' rights, decentralization, limited, small, and local government

  • policies for the nation as a whole, civil rights, encouraged economic growth

  • lowered tariffs, transcontinental railroad

  • government's an instrument to promote moral progress and material wealth


Question 3 of 23


The Wabash Case of 1886 (Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Co. v Illinois) gave states the rights to regulate railroads.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 4 of 23


Rutherford B. Hayes' accomplishments as president during the Gilded Age included....(1876-1880)

Select one of the following:

  • ending military reconstruction, reform in civil services, Bland-Allison Silver Purchase Act was passed despite his veto,

  • Union army hero, longtime member of Congress, foreign policies in Latin America, began construction of modern American navy

  • reversed Latin America foreign policy, approved construction of modern American navy, lowered tariffs, Pendleton Act

  • 1st Democratic president since 1861, continued construction of modern American navy, forced railroad, lumber, and cattle companies to surrender fraudulently occupied land, lowered tariffs


Question 5 of 23


James A. Garfield's accomplishments as president during the Gilded Age included....(1880-1881)

Select one of the following:

  • ended military reconstruction, reform in civil services, Bland Allison Silver Purchase Act was passed despite president's veto

  • 1st Democratic president since 1861, continued naval construction, forced railroad, lumber, and cattle companies to surrender fraudulently occupied land, lowered tariffs

  • reversed foreign policies in Latin America, approved construction of modern American navy, lowered tariffs, Pendleton Act

  • Union army hero and longtime member of Congress, adopted foreign policies in Latin America, began construction of modern American navy


Question 6 of 23


Chester A. Arthur's accomplishments as president during the Gilded Age included....(1881-1884)

Select one of the following:

  • reversed Latin America foreign policy, approved construction of modern American navy, lowered tariffs, Pendleton Act

  • Union army hero and longtime member of Congress, began construction of modern American navy, adopted foreign policies in Latin America

  • ended military reconstruction, reform in civil services, Bland Allison Silver Purchase Act was passed despite president's veto

  • 1st Democratic president since 1861, continued construction of modern American navy, forced railroad, cattle, and lumber companies to surrender fraudulently occupied land, lowered tariffs


Question 7 of 23


Grover Cleveland's accomplishments as president during the Gilded Age included....(1884-1888)

Select one of the following:

  • ended military reconstruction, reform in civil services, Bland Allison SIlver Purchase Act was passed despite president's veto

  • reversed foreign policies in Latin America, approved construction of modern American navy, lowered tariffs, Pendleton Act

  • 1st Democratic president since 1861, continued construction of modern American navy, forced railroad, lumber, and cattle companies to surrender fraudulently occupied land

  • Union army hero and longtime member of Congress, adopted foreign policies in Latin America, began construction of modern American navy


Question 8 of 23


What were some of the laws passed by the Republican controlled Congress in 1890?

Select one or more of the following:

  • McKinley Tariff Act- raised tariffs by 4%
    Dependent Pensions Act- granted pensions to Union army vets, widows, children
    Sherman Antitrust Act- regulate big businesses

  • Dependent Pensions Act- granted pensions to Union army vets, widows, children
    Pendleton Act- reform civil services

  • Interstate Commerce Commision- investigate and oversee railroad activities
    Sherman Antitrust Act- regulate big businesses
    Bland Allison Act - limited form of silver coinage

  • Sherman Silver Purchase Act- buy silver monthly, issue treasury notes as payment
    Bland Allison Act - limited form of silver coinage
    Federal Elections Bill- protect Black voting rights


Question 9 of 23


Major complaints of the Populist Party included droughts, mortgages, rising crop prices, rising railroad prices for shipment, and the crop lien system, otherwise known as the "anaconda system".

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 10 of 23


The Ocala Platform of the Populist Party believed in.....

Select one or more of the following:

  • creation of "sub-treasury system" which would allow farmers to store crops in government warehouses and in return, the government could claim treasury notes for up to 80% of local value of the crops

  • free coinage of silver, federal income tax

  • end to protective tariffs and national banks, direct election of senators by the voters

  • tighter regulation of railroad companies


Question 11 of 23


What role did the Populist Party play in the 1892 elections?

Select one of the following:

  • adopted half of the Ocala Platform demands, elected Leonidas L. Polk who was the first 3rd party candidate to receive more than 2 million popular votes, elected governors in Kansas and North Dakota, 10 congressmen, 5 senators, and about 1,500 members of state legislatures

  • adopted Ocala Platform demands, elected James B. Weaver who was the first 3rd party candidate to receive more than a million popular votes, elected governors in Kansas and North Dakota, 10 congressmen, 5 senators, and about 1,500 members of state legislatures

  • ignored Ocala Platform demands, elected Leonidas L. Polk who was the first 3rd party candidate to receive almost a million popular votes, elected governors in Kansas and North Dakota, 10 congressmen, 5 senators, and about 1,500 members of state legislatures

  • adopted Ocala Platform demands, elected James B. Weaver who was the first 3rd party candidate to receive more than a million electoral votes, elected governors in Kansas and North Dakota, 10 congressmen, 5 senators, and about 1,500 members of state legislatures


Question 12 of 23


What were some of the difficulties faced by the second Cleveland administration?

Select one or more of the following:

  • 15,000+ plus closed businesses, 600+ closed banks

  • economy expanded too fast and resulted in economic crisis, companies overbuilt, farms and businesses borrowed heavily

  • Panic of 1893, stock market crash, "Industrial Black Friday" on May 5, 1893

  • Coxey's Army, Pullman Strike, unemployment, miner problems


Question 13 of 23


What was Grover Cleveland's response to the Depression on 1893?

Select one of the following:

  • repealed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, sold 4 bonds, Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act

  • passed the Sherman SIlver Purchase Act, bought 4 bonds

  • Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act, sold 2 bonds, bought 2 bonds

  • repealed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, sold 4 bonds, Pendleton Act


Question 14 of 23


How did women and children enter the workforce following the Depression of 1893?

Select one of the following:

  • laundresses, cleaners, domestics, offices, factories, telegraph and telephone operators, clerks, nurses, teachers, stenographers, typists, textile mills, farming, shoe shining, peddling

  • military, factories, businesses, telegraph and telephone operators

  • nurses, teachers, stenographers, typists, textile mills, farming, shoe shining, peddling

  • military, factories, businesses, nurses, teachers, stenographers, typists, textile mills, laundresses, cleaners, domestics, offices, factories, telegraph and telephone operators


Question 15 of 23


Why did women and children enter the work force following the Depression of 1893?

Select one of the following:

  • husbands/fathers lost their jobs, families needed to make ends meet, more families were working to earn money for luxuries

  • husbands/fathers lost their jobs, families needed to make ends meet

  • depression made the trend more popular, husbands/fathers lost their jobs, families needed to make ends meet

  • depression made the trend more popular, husbands/fathers wanted their wives and children to work


Question 16 of 23


American literature in the 1870's began to lean more towards realism, naturalism, while still reflecting moods of romanticism-sentimental and unrealistic. Later on, American literature rejected escapism and_________ for realism to portray life as it really was.

Select one of the following:

  • naturalism

  • industrialism

  • pragmatism

  • romanticism


Question 17 of 23


Horatio Alger was a famous author who wrote....

Select one of the following:

  • "Ben Hur"

  • lessons/books on business and life

  • books about life in the South

  • guides to relationships between people


Question 18 of 23


Famous authors who wrote realism literature include.....

Select one of the following:

  • Anna Sewell, Horatio Alger

  • Louisa May Alcott

  • Samuel Langhorne Clemens

  • Mark Twain, William Dean Howells


Question 19 of 23


Which best describes the Republicans campaign strategies in the 1896 elections?

Select one of the following:

  • let people come to him, press, appealed to labor, immigrants, farmers, businessmen and middle class, defended economic nationalism and advancing urban-industrial society

  • promote economic growth, regulate effects of industrialization, free silver coinage

  • graduated income tax, crop loans to farmers, secret ballot, direct election of senators by voters, vanished after 1896

  • came to the people, enchanted them with the "older America", new "merchandising" style in which he worked to educate and persuade voters, drew on Jeffersonian tradition or rural virtue, distrust of central authority, abiding faith in the powers of human reason


Question 20 of 23


Which best describes the Democratic campaign strategies in the 1896 elections?

Select one of the following:

  • came to the people, enchanted them with the "older America", new "merchandising" style in which he worked to educate and persuade voters, drew on Jeffersonian tradition or rural virtue, distrust of central authority, abiding faith in the powers of human reason

  • let people come to him, press, appealed to labor, immigrants, farmers, businessmen and middle class, defended economic nationalism and advancing urban-industrial society

  • graduated income tax, crop loans to farmers, secret ballot, direct election of senators by voters, vanished after 1896

  • promote economic growth, regulate effects of industrialization, free silver coinage


Question 21 of 23


Which best describes the Populist campaign strategies in the 1896 elections?

Select one of the following:

  • promote economic growth, regulate effects of industrialization, free silver coinage

  • let people come to him, press, appealed to labor, immigrants, farmers, businessmen and middle class, defended economic nationalism and advancing urban-industrial society

  • came to the people, enchanted them with the "older America", new "merchandising" style in which he worked to educate and persuade voters, drew on Jeffersonian tradition or rural virtue, distrust of central authority, abiding faith in the powers of human reason

  • graduated income tax, crop loans to farmers, secret ballot, direct election of senators by voters, vanished after 1896


Question 22 of 23


During the McKinley administration, the economy fell, stock market fell, factory production decreases, farmers suffered and the Dingley Tariff was passed, which raised tariffs to a record level

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 23 of 23


What was the result of the elections of 1900?

Select one of the following:

  • McKinley-President

  • Bryan-President
    Theodore Roosevelt-Vice

  • Theodore Roosevelt-President

  • McKinley-President
    Theodore Roosevelt-Vice
