Which of the following provided the lumber for the temple?
The king of Egypt, i.e., the Pharoah
The Philistines
None of the answers provided is correct
The Levitical priests
Solomon's actions systematically break the commandments given to the king in Exodus, namely, that he should not multiply wives, concubines, or wealth
According to the lecture, which of the following supports the notion that the Solomonic narratives are rooted in history.
The Egyptian and other Ancient Near Eastern major powers report that Jerusalem was a major super power in the 10th cent. B.C.
None of the answers provided is correct (except this one)
The discovery of the gold mines of Solomon attest to his identity as a historical figure
Late 9th century inscriptions have been found in which the name "Solomon" (s-l-m-n) is attested, identifying him as ruler of Israel
Which figure anointed Solomon?
Elijah worked more numerous and impressive miracles than Elisha.
The king is associated with the "finding of the law".
Bathsheba means
No of the answers provided are correct (except this one)
"Daughter of the Oath"
"Queen Mother"
"Woman of Strength"
"Woman of Lightning"
Immediately after receiving the gift of wisdom, Solomon did what?
Went to the temple he had built and offered burnt offerings
He sacrificed to God in Gideon. He had previously gone to worship at Jerusalem
At Shiloh, at the original sanctuary
He worshipped the God Molech
He sacrificed to God in Jerusalem. he had previously gone to worship at Gibeon
It was typical for the king of Egypt to send is daughter to marry foreign kings, just as we read in 1 kings where the Pharaoh sends his daughter to marry Solomon.
Mark the best answer "true"
David was told by Nathan that just as he had committed adultery, adultery would be committed against his wives and that this would happen in the sight of all Israel
Abiathar replaced Zadok as high priest
Amnon murdered Adonijah for raping his sister, Tamar
All of the answers provided is correct (except the one that says "none of the answers provided is correct")