tsampikos pompou
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago


tsampikos pompou
Created by tsampikos pompou about 8 years ago


Question 1 of 25


24 On a VFR navigation exercise you request a flight information service from an ATSU providing a LARS. After your initial call, you are invited to "pass your message" which should consist of:

Select one of the following:

  • Aircraft identification and type; Estimated position; Heading; Level; Intention; Type of service required

  • Position; Heading; Altitude; Destination; Intention

  • Aircraft identification; Type; Level; Intention; Type of service required

  • Aircraft identification and type; Estimated position; Level; Flight conditions; Type of service required


Question 2 of 25


25 A Radar Information Service (RIS) is an ATC service:

Select one of the following:

  • which may only be used by aircraft flying in accordance with the instrument flight rules

  • in which the controller will provide radar separation from all other traffic

  • in which the controller will inform the pilot of the bearing, distance and, if known, the altitude of conflicting traffic

  • in which the controller will direct the aircraft to avoid the other traffic


Question 3 of 25


30 A time of 1020 hours is transmitted as:

Select one of the following:

  • ten twenty hours

  • One zero two zero' or 'two zero'

  • one zero two zero

  • ten two zero


Question 4 of 25


When requesting a special VFR clearance in fjight, ATC must be given details of:

Select one of the following:

  • callsign, altitude, heading and ETA at entry point

  • callsign, type, Τ AS, ETA at entry point and destination

  • callsign, type, intentions and ETA at entry point

  • callsign, type, position, heading, intentions and ETA at entry point


Question 5 of 25


The correct order and content of a position report is:

Select one of the following:

  • callsign, position, level, heading, ETA

  • callsign, route, position, level, request

  • callsign, position, level, intention and ETA at destination

  • callsign, position, time, level, next position and ETA


Question 6 of 25


59 You receive the message "G-ABCD Squawk Ident". You should:

Select one of the following:

  • select ALT - altitude reporting facility (Mode C) on the SSR transponder

  • operate the special position identification on the SSR transponder

  • select STAND-BY on the SSR transponder

  • reply giving your callsign


Question 7 of 25


On the initial call to an ATSU a pilot should pass:

Select one of the following:

  • callsign, position, level, flight conditions and intention

  • callsign, service requested

  • callsign, aircraft type, position, heading, ETA

  • callsign, position, heading, level, intention, type of service required


Question 8 of 25


77 After making a call to an ATSU, you are asked to "pass your message". This should take the following form:

Select one of the following:

  • Aircraft identification, full route details, level and type of service required

  • Aircraft identification and type, last turning point, level, intentions

  • Callsign and type, position, level and intentions

  • Aircraft identification and type, departure point and estimated position, heading, level, intention, type of service required


Question 9 of 25


83 A pilot wishing to confirm his position may request a "Training Fix" on:

Select one of the following:

  • The frequency in use

  • 121.5MHz

  • The approach· control frequency of his nearest airfield

  • 243 MHz


Question 10 of 25


92 If the pilot is unable to make contact with a station on a designated frequency, then he should:

Select one of the following:

  • transmit on 121.5 MHz

  • transmit using words twice

  • try transmitting on another related frequency

  • make a blind transmission


Question 11 of 25


101 What does the term ..broadcast" mean?

Select one of the following:

  • A radiotelephony transmission from a ground station to aircraft in flight

  • A transmission containing meteorological and operational Information to
    aircraft engaged in flights over remote and oceanic areas out of range of VHP ground stations

  • A transmission where no reply is required from the receiving station

  • A transmission of information relating to air navigation that is not addressed to a specific station or stations


Question 12 of 25


106 What does the abbreviation ,,RVR" mean?

Select one of the following:

  • Radar vectors requested

  • Runway visual range

  • Runway visibility report

  • Recleared via route


Question 13 of 25


109 Messages concerning non-routine landings of an aircraft are

Select one of the following:

  • flight safety messages

  • urgency messages

  • flight regularity messages

  • unauthorized messages


Question 14 of 25


133 Aircraft XY-ABC has been instructed to listen on ATIS frequency 123,25, on which the aerodrome data are being broadcast What is the correct way to Indicate it will follow this instruction?

Select one of the following:

  • X-BC checking 123,25

  • X-BC monitoring 123,25

  • Will contact 123,25 X-BO

  • Changing to 123,25 X-BC


Question 15 of 25


136 An aeronautical station using the identification "VOLMET" in its call sign

Select one of the following:

  • is a broadcasting service for the transmission of aerodrome weather reports and landing forecasts

  • can be called by an aircraft in flight to obtain flight information Service

  • executes air traffic control service to enroute aircraft

  • is an aeronautical station operated by an airport company


Question 16 of 25


137 Distress is defined as

Select one of the following:

  • a condition concerning the safety of a person on board or within sight and requiring immediate assistance

  • a condition concerning the attitude of an aircraft when intercepting the localizer during an !LS-approach

  • a condition concerning the safety of an aircraft or of a person on board, but which does not require immediate assistance

  • a condition of being threatened by serious and/or imminent danger and of requiring immediate assistance


Question 17 of 25


141 To which frequency band do the frequencies 118,000 - 136,975 MHz of the Aeronautleal Mobile Service belong?

Select one of the following:

  • Very high frequency

  • Very low frequency

  • Low frequency

  • Medium frequency


Question 18 of 25


153 A VASIS indicates through the:

Select one of the following:

  • Radio Altimeter System, the vertical separation of conflicting air traffic

  • Location of lights positioned at the touchdown end of a runway, the vertical disposition of an aircraft with regard to the correct height down the glideslope

  • EICAS the vertical disposition of the aircraft in respect to an airway centre line

  • Aircraft ILS system, the attitude and position of the aircraft in relation to the glideslope


Question 19 of 25


158 A SIGMET is issued when:

Select one of the following:

  • Passenger handling is unavailable during the silent hours

  • Snow is forecast at the destination airport

  • SST operations are inhibited by significant solar activity

  • Significant weather phenomena which may affect the safety of the aircraft is forecast for en-route operations


Question 20 of 25


162 ETA is short for:

Select one of the following:

  • Estimated terminal approach time

  • Estimated time of arrival or estimated arrival

  • Estimated terminal arrival time

  • Equivalent time zone actual weather prefix


Question 21 of 25


173 The radiation fields of an aerial consist of two varying elements that are perpendicular to each other:

Select one of the following:

  • The magnetic and electrical fields

  • The magnetic and isogonal fields

  • A variable carrier wave with a toroidal transmitter

  • The stator and rotor fields


Question 22 of 25


178 The HF radio frequency range is:

Select one of the following:

  • 121.5 to 243 MHz

  • 2850 to 22 000 kHz

  • 108.0 to 117.95 MHz

  • 2850 to 22 000 MHz


Question 23 of 25


180 If QFE is set, the altimeter will read the height above the:

Select one of the following:

  • Pressure altitude of the stated reference point

  • QFE reference datum

  • Standard pressure level

  • Transition level


Question 24 of 25


182 The order of priority when passing flight details is as follows:

Select one of the following:

  • Callsign, aircraft type, heading, altitude, estimate, conditions, request, position

  • Callsign, aircraft type, position, heading, altitude, conditions, estimate, request

  • Callsign, altitude, estimate, request, position, aircraft type, heading, conditions

  • Aircraft type, callsign, position, heading, altitude, conditions, estimate, request


Question 25 of 25


199 A radio test procedure consists of the following items:

Select one of the following:

  • The station identification and the words RADIO CHECK only

  • The words RADIO CHECK only

  • The station identification being called, the aircraft call sign, the words RADIO CHECK shall be used and the frequency being used

  • The station identification being used, the aircraft call sign and the words RADIO CHECK
