51 The three main categories of aeronautical communication service are:
O Air/ground, flight information, ATC
O Emergency, airways, VFR
O ATC, operations, meteorological
O Ground, lower airspace, upper airspace
52 In the event of a radio failure the SSR transponder should be set to:
O 7600
O 7700
O 7500
O 7000
53 The correct abbreviation of the callsign Speedbird G-BGDC is:
O Speedbird DC
O Speedbird G-DC '
O Speedbird G-BC
54 Your radio check is reported as 'Readability 3', your transmission is:
O readable but with difficulty
O perfectly readable
O reading only half the time
O unreadable
55 The correct order and content of a position report is:
O callsign, position, time, level, next position and ETA
O callsign, position, level, heading, ETA
O callsign, route, position, level, request
O callsign, position, level, intention and ETA at destination
56 A Pilot may file a flight plan with an ATSU during flight. The frequency that would normally be used for this purpose is:
57 The correct RTF call when you are ready to take off is:
O Ready for departure
O Request take-off
O Request departure clearance
O Roger take-off
58 What is the correct way of spelling out FRI-VOR in a radio message?
O Foxtrot Romeo India - VOR
O Foxtrot Romeo India - Victor Oscar Romeo
O Friday - VOR
O Fox Romeo India - VOR
59 You receive the message "G-ABCD Squawk Ident". You should:
O operate the special position identification on the SSR transponder
O select ALT - altitude reporting facility (Mode C) on the SSR transponder
O select STAND-BY on the SSR transponder
O reply giving your callsign
60 A time of 1300 UTC is transmitted as:
O one three zero zero
O one thousand three hundred
O one three hundred UTC
O thirteen hundred UTC
61 Pilots requiring a MATZ crossing service must establish two way RTF contact with the aerodrome controlling the zone by.......nm, or.......minutes from the boundary whichever is the sooner:
O 15 nm or 5 min
O 10 nm or 5 min
O 15 nm or 10 min
O 5 nm or 10 min
62 Which aeronautical communication service provides automated airfield and meteorological information for departing and arriving traffic?
63 When arriving at an airfield whose callsign ends with the Suffix "Information", the pilot's correct response to the call: "G-ABCD land at your discretion, Surface wind 260/07"should be:
O Cleared to land G-ABCD
O Land at my discretion G-ABCD
O Roger G-CD
64 A pilot who has already established communication with a civil or military ATSU should in the event of being confronted with an emergency:
O make a distress call on the frequency in use and maintain the allocated SSR code
O make a MAYDAY call on 121.5 MHz
O select 7700 on the SSR and change to 121.5 MHz
O squawk-Ident
65 On the initial call to an ATSU a pilot should pass:
O callsign, service requested
O callsign, aircraft type, position, heading, ETA
O callsign, position, heading, level, intention, type of service required
O callsign, position, level, flight conditions and intention
66 A Special VFR (SVFR) flight is a:
O flight which is unable to comply with the instrument flight rules and is cleared to enter a Control Zone under specified weather minima
O flight in VMC for which you must file a Flight Plan
O flight made on a special occasion
O royal flight that you must avoid
67 Which of the following lists are all ATC messages that must read back in full:
O clearance to enter, land on, take-off on, backtrack, cross or hold short of an active runway; SSR instructions
O level instructions, altimeter settings, surface wind, runway information
O VDF information, frequency changes, type of radar service
O ATC route clearances, runway clearances, actual weather reports
68 You call an ATSU and receive the reply "G-XX Stand-By" you should:
O say nothing, assuming no onward clearance and wait until called
O acknowledge immediately: "Stand-By G-XX"
O call the ATSU again after 5 mins to obtain a clearance
O change frequency
69 When transmitting a message preceded by the phrase "Transmitting blind due to receiver failure" the aircraft station shall also:
O Advise the time of its next intended transmission
O Hold for 5 minutes at its present position
O Proceed to the alternate airport
O Enter the next en-route holding pattern
70 When joining overhead an airfield at 2000 ft, at what point in the circuit pattern should the aircraft commence descent to circuit height, and make the RTF Call: "G-ABCD........descending"?
71 A pilot may abbreviate his aircraft callsign only:
O If it has first been abbreviated by the ground station on the frequency in use
O After establishing communication with a ground station
O When changing frequency
O When he considers that no confusion is likely to occur
72 When an airfield has a RADIO service the answer a pilot can expect upon stating that they are ready for departure is:
O "Take off at your discretion"
O Wind and traffic information
O "Cleared for take off
O "Cleared to depart"
73 On an airfield with an INFORMATION service the controller:
O No control over airfield movements
O Has control over all surface movements including helicopters hover taxiing
O Can give landing clearances only
O Can give a take off clearance
74 The abbreviation for a control zone is:
75 A request to a direction finding station for a bearing should be in the following format:
O True bearing, true bearing, true bearing, Oxford Approach this is GBODF. Request true bearing" GBODF
O Oxford Approach, this is Golf Bravo Oscar Delta Foxtrot. Request QDM, Golf Bravo Oscar Delta Foxtrot
O Oxford homer, which way to Oxford? GBODA
O Oxford homer this is Golf Bravo Oscar Delta Foxtrot, request steer
76 Radio test transmissions should take the following form:
O Station being called, aircraft identification, words "radio check", frequency being used
O Station being called, aircraft identification, words "Readability check", frequency
O Station being called, aircraft identification, words "How do your read?"
O Station being called, aircraft identification, frequency, words "Do you read?"
77 After making a call to an ATSU, you are asked to "pass your message". This should take the following form:
O Aircraft identification and type, departure point and estimated position, heading, level, intention, type of service required
O Aircraft identification, full route details, level and type of service required
O Aircraft identification and type, last turning point, level, intentions
O Callsign and type, position, level and intentions
78 A "downwind" call is made:
O Any position on downwind leg
O As soon as the aircraft is on the downwind leg
O Abeam the upwind end of the runway
O Just before turning on to base leg
79 Aerodrome traffic is:
O All traffic on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome and all aircraft operating in the vicinity of an aerodrome
O All aircraft on an aerodrome
O All vehicles on an aerodrome
O All traffic on the movement area of an aerodrome
80 D ACS is normally spoken as one word' It means:
O Danger Area Crossing Service
O Diversion Airfield Control System
O Direct Airfield Crossing Service
O Departing Aircraft Control Service
81 FL180 is transmitted as:
O Flight Level Wun Ate Zero
O Flight Level One Eighty
O Foxtrot Lima One Eight Zero
O Flight Level One hundred Eight Zero
82 Which of the following is correct?
O The words "Over, Roger and Out" may be omitted if there is no possibility of confusion
O "With you" means that you are on frequency
O Runway 18 is passed as "Runway Eighteen"
O The word "Wilco" means that you have received and understood the message
83 A pilot wishing to confirm his position may request a "Training Fix" on:
O 121.5MHz
O The frequency in use
O The approach· control frequency of his nearest airfield
O 243 MHz
84 When calling for. a "Practice Pan", a> pilot, before transmitting, should:
O Listen out
O Climb to as great a height as possibfe
O Select 7700 on his transponder
O Descend below 3000 feet
85 Frequency 121.725 MHz should be transmitted as:
O Wun Too Wun Dayseemal Seven Too
O One Two One Point Seven Two Five
O Wun Too Wun Point Seven Too
O One twenty one decimal seven twenty five
86 The priority of the message " Taxi to holding point Runway 05 " is:
O same as " Line up and wait "
O the same as " Caution construction and men adjacent to taxi-way "
O less than" Clear land Runway 05 )
O more than " Caution wind shear on final approach ".
87 Which statement is correct?
O A D/F message has priority over a flight safety message
O A meteorological message has no priority over a flight safety message
O An urgency message is lower priority than a flight safety message
O A "windshear" warning has a higher priority than "clear to take-off
88 If your signal is too weak or distorted the controller may ask you to use the speechless code. Three short transmissions means:
O Say again
O Yes
O Negative
O My aircraft has developed another emergency
89 If a controller passes an instruction and you understand it and will comply, the standard reply | is
O Wilco
O Roger
O Confirm
O Verify
90 The opening words of an urgency message are:
O Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan
O Mayday, Mayday, Mayday
O Pan, Pan, Pan
O Emergency
91 The callsign of an aeronautical station controlling surface vehicles in the manoeuvring area would be:
92 If the pilot is unable to make contact with a station on a designated frequency, then he should:
O try transmitting on another related frequency
O transmit using words twice ·
O transmit on 121.5 MHz
O make a blind transmission
93 A pilot who is unable to complete a landing from an approach should make the call:
94 The correct readback of the message 'XY-CD Change to Stephenville Tower 118.7' is:
O 118.7 XY-CD
O Changing frequency to Stephenville Tower XY-CD
O Wilco XY-CD
O Roger XY-CD.
95 An aircraft will be in the best range for VHF communications if it is:
O at high altitudejn the vicinity of the airfield.
O at low altitude and close range
O at low altitude and long range
O at high altitude and long range
96 In order to make your communications more effective, you should:
O use a constant speaking volume
O modulate your voice
O use words 'twice
O call break between sentences.
97 The VHF aeronautical communications frequency range lies between:
O 118 and 136.975MHz
O 108 and 118MHz
O 3 and 30 MHz
O 118 and 136.975kHz.
98 The correct callsign of a station providing flight information service is the location followed by:
99 The abbreviation HJ means that the hours of service of an aerodrome are:
O between sunrise and sunset
O between sunset and sunrise
O twenty four hours
O not specified hours.
100 The maximum VHF communications range that can be expected by an aircraft at FL 100 is:
O 120nm
O lOOnm
O 150nm
O 1200nm.