Eden Goddard
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

GCSE GCSE ICT Quiz on Set 2 - Random IT questions, created by Eden Goddard on 27/02/2014.

Eden Goddard
Created by Eden Goddard over 10 years ago

Set 2 - Random IT questions

Question 1 of 20


Michael and Ryan are members of a team. The team uses an online workspace to work collaboratively to review a previous sports event they took part in.
Give three ways the team could use an online workspace to work collaboratively.

Select one or more of the following:

  • View the same video and leave comments about it

  • Make notes on the same document

  • Use VOIP to discuss the event


Question 2 of 20


Mitch buys a new HD games console.
State one other piece of equipment he will need to play games in HD.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Controller

  • USB port

  • HDMI cable

  • External hard drive


Question 3 of 20


Mitch thinks that games consoles are better than PCs for gaming.
State two advantages of using consoles, rather than PCs, for gaming.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Ready made controllers

  • Easier to set up than a PC

  • Cheaper than a PC

  • Can talk with friends while playing


Question 4 of 20


Modern games consoles are multi-functional devices.
Apart from gaming, give two other uses for games consoles.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Playing online games

  • Social networking

  • Watching films


Question 5 of 20


State what a cookie does.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Stores information about a persons browsing history

  • It's a text file stored on your computer

  • Stores information about a persons shopping / viewing habbits


Question 6 of 20


Give two reasons why Gia should consider deleting the cookie from her computer.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Free up storage space

  • Stop targetted adverts

  • Stop websites automatically launching

  • Stop targetted emails


Question 7 of 20


State the name of the © symbol.

Select one of the following:

  • Copyprotect

  • Copyright

  • Creative Commons


Question 8 of 20


Michael has a blog. He uses a search engine to find an image for his blog.
Explain Michael's legal responsibilities when using images.

Select one or more of the following:

  • He can only use an image if he has the owner's signature

  • He can only use an image if he has the owner's permission

  • He can only use if it is clip art

  • He can use it if it has a Creative Commons licence


Question 9 of 20


Mitch enjoys playing computer games.
Mitch asks Lee to copy a game for him.
State why Lee must not do this.

Select one or more of the following:

  • It is illegal to play a game on another device

  • It is illegal to copy software

  • It might damage Lee's device if he does


Question 10 of 20


Many gaming companies allow users to download games straight to their console.
Give one advantage to the company of allowing this.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Saves money

  • Saves the planet

  • Saves money because they don't have to produce so many CDs/DVDs and on distributing the game


Question 11 of 20


Explain two environmental benefits of downloading games rather than buying them on disk.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Carbon footprint will be reduced as less power / fewer resources used.

  • Less packaging means fewer resources are used & less waste produced

  • Saves time

  • The consoles are smaller so less plastic used to make them


Question 12 of 20


Stevie has found a site that is offering free downloads of all the latest chart songs.
Stevie should not download songs from this site because:

Select one or more of the following:

  • The songs take too long to download

  • It is likely to be illegal

  • There is a high risk of downloading a virus

  • The site requires a log in


Question 13 of 20


State two possible drawbacks of downloading from this site.

Select one or more of the following:

  • He may not be downloading the track he wants

  • He may also download malware

  • He may get charged after all


Question 14 of 20


Stevie needs to protect his computer from unsafe downloads.
State one way he can do this.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Don't go on to sites he doesn't know

  • Turn off his computer when he is not using it

  • Install anti-virus software & update it regularly


Question 15 of 20


Stevie logs into a site to buy some music. He sees a symbol of a padlock in his browser address bar.
What does this symbol mean?

Select one or more of the following:

  • The website is locked and cannot be used

  • It is not safe to use the website

  • Data on the site is encrypted

  • There might be a virus on the website


Question 16 of 20


State two other ways that browsers display security information.

Select one or more of the following:

  • The address bar has a green section in it

  • The web address starts with https://

  • A message is displayed at the top of the web site

  • A security certificate automatically downloads on to your computer


Question 17 of 20


Give two reasons for using images as buttons in a child's e-book.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Children might not be able to read text on the buttons

  • Provides a visual clue

  • Provide a visual clue as to the function


Question 18 of 20


Katherine wants to make the pages of her children's e-book consistent.
State three ways in which she can do this.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Use consistent navigational features (buttons and other links in the same place)

  • Use same font throughout

  • Use a computer to make it

  • Use a template


Question 19 of 20


Katherine uses text and images in the e-book.
Give three other multimedia elements she could use.

Select one or more of the following:

  • HD images

  • Narration

  • Video

  • Rollover buttons


Question 20 of 20


Any High is a secondary school with over 1000 students age 11–19. It makes extensive use of ICT for teaching and learning, as well as administration.
The school has bought some wireless e-book readers.
Jenny streams videos to her e-book reader. Sometimes the videos do not play smoothly.
Give two possible reasons for this.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Slow internet connection

  • Low bandwidth

  • Not enough storage on the server
