Where do you enter discounts after you have synchronized your booking?
In Davinci (Genesis) only
In Backoffice and Davinci (Genesis)
In Backoffice only
What is the correct order to cancel a participant before synchronization?
Calculate cancellation costs - select participant in backoffice - Select cancel participant - enter cancellation costs - flag the box to send cancellation invoice - OK - Enter cancellation costs in Davinci (Genesis)
Calculate cancellation costs - select participant in backoffice - Select cancel participant - enter cancellation costs - flag the box to send cancellation invoice - click OK
Calculate cancellation costs - select participant in backoffice - Select cancel participant - flag the box to send cancellation invoice - OK - Enter cancellation costs in Davinci (Genesis)
Which costs are not covered by the cancellation insurance?
Skirental package
Fee for late payment
tourist tax
Can you get a refund for the premium of your travel insurance?
Where can you track down your payment reminders sent to customers
Group Payment Reminder - in Sundio Tool
Payment Settings - In Tiss
Payments - In Davinci (genesis)
Which of the following needs to be checked before you synchronize your booking?
All payments done/received
Accommodation from Davinci added in Sundio tool
contracts signed by sales manager
all participant mutations processed
bus in genesis is the same as in sundio tool
all phone numbers of the participants are send to the guides
What is the latest date to do a partial sync
2 weeks before departure
4 weeks before departure
What is the latest date to do a full sync of your booking?
Which of these errors refers to an incorrectly used booking code?
participant xxx / empty bed is not assigned to a service
no allotments found for this booking type
no price found in the selected period
Which of these errors refers to missing accommodation in your booking?
participant xxx/empty bed is not assigned to a service
the requested accommodation is not covered completely by the service types
Where do you change skirental after you did a synchronization
In Backoffice
In Davinci (genesis)