What are the different forms energy exists in?
What is work? and how do you know work has been done?
What is the unit of measuring energy?
Calculate how many joules of energy are contained in a
-3.5 MJ<-------------
Calculate how many megajoules of energy are contained in :
a) 4,800,000J
b) 5,700,000,000J
What are the five different and common forms of energy?
Explain Kinetic energy and give an example supporting your explanation
Explain Heat energy and give an example supporting your explanation
Explain Light energy and give an example supporting your explanation
Explain Sound energy and give an example supporting your explanation
Explain Electrical energy and give an example supporting your explanation
What is potential energy? Give 2 examples
Which form of potential energy enables you to run , play sport and keep your heart beating?
What is the process of photosynthesis?
How much energy do you need for a healthy lifestyle?
What are the four different types of potential energy?
Explain Gravitational potential energy and give an example supporting your explanation
Explain Chemical energy and give an example supporting your explanation
Explain Elastic potential energy and give an example supporting your explanation
Explain Nuclear energy and give an example supporting your explanation
Why the energy in food is usually stated in kilojoules rather than joules?