Created by Andrew Street
over 8 years ago
1484 List acute consequences of infxn.
1484 List chronic consequences of infxn.
1484 List AI phenomena of infxn.
1485 List factors predisposing to infxn (hint - split into 3 sections).
1486 Define PUO.
1486 List common causes of PUO.
1487 What DS is this rash typically associated with and describe the rash.
1488 List 1st line Ix for a febrile pt.
1489 Explain the EWS system and its relavence to infxn.
1490 Discuss how sepsis can lead to multi-organ failure.
1491 Describe the immediate Mx of the septic pt.
1495 List causes of PUO: bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoal, neoplastic, connective tissue DS, granulomatous DS, others.
1496 For a pt with a PUO list useful initial screening Ix's.
1497 List common opportunistic infxn's seen in HIV.