Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

English Literature (Of Mice and Men) Quiz on Of Mice and Men - George, created by lmg719 on 28/04/2013.

Created by lmg719 over 11 years ago

Of Mice and Men - George

Question 1 of 7


Who is George?

Select one of the following:

  • An Itinerant farm worker who travels around the country with no permanent home. He is Lennie's friend and companion.

  • An aggressive young man with a grudge against the world with and reputation for fighting.

  • A long time hand at the ranch, he has never seen much of the world because he rarely leaves the ranch

  • A 'Jerkline skinner', in control of a team of horses on the ranch, and is seen as the leading worker in the bunk house.


Question 2 of 7


What does George Promise? And who to?

Select one of the following:

  • To Curley that he will not try anything with his wife.

  • To slim that he will not tell anybody that Lennie hurt his hand.

  • To Aunt Clara that he will look after Lennie.

  • To Curleys Wife that he wont tell Curley that she doesn't like him


Question 3 of 7


Who is George Constantly having to get out of trouble

Select one of the following:

  • Crooks

  • Lennie

  • Candy

  • Whitt


Question 4 of 7


What does George order Lennie to do?

Select one of the following:

  • He orders Lennie to drink at the beginning of the novel

  • He orders Lennie to cover his ears when Candys dog is being shot

  • He orders Lennie to reply to the Boss when spoken to.

  • He Orders Lennie to fight back against Curley.


Question 5 of 7


Where does George leave Lennie to go?

Select one of the following:

  • He goes to kill the runt of the pups after Slim requests him to

  • He goes to the local Brothel with the rest of the ranch workers

  • He goes hunting with Slim.

  • He goes with Carlson to shoot Candy's dog


Question 6 of 7


What is Georges appearance quoted as being?

Select one of the following:

  • 'A tall, stoop shouldered, old man'

  • 'A huge man, shapeless of face... and he walked.. the way a bear drags his paws. His arms... hung loosely'.

  • 'A skinny freckled face with a long defined chiseled nose'.

  • 'Small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features'.


Question 7 of 7


According to George, why are he and Lennie different from other migrant laborers?

Select one of the following:

  • They don't have any responsibilities.

  • They are not lonely, for they have each other.

  • They have a chance to fulfill their dream of owning land.

  • They cannot move from job to job as easily because of Lennie's disability.
